This topic may not be appropriate here, but I wanted to try to curate a list of what I think are some important missing features that might be relatively easy to implement and would, in my view, have a disproportionately high positive impact on sales and retention. I’ll mostly be linking to existing feature requests here, and will try to categorize it. I’m also making this a wiki so others can add to it. Just be aware I may remove or annotate your changes if I disagree, as I think it’s important that this be a really focused list that ideally would be reasonably actionable for the team.
Import and Migration
Almost everyone coming to Fibery will have existing data. Getting them into the tool with their data reasonably intact is key to giving them a good experience, especially if you can “enrich” their data with Fibery-specific benefits (e.g. Fields, References, etc.). Fibery already has good sync with a number of tools, but could use a couple key improvements that may have higher impact.
- Easy import of markdown docs to wiki, i.e. bulk import of markdown, which is broadly supported for export from a variety of tools
- VOTE here for Calendar Integration Prioritization, i.e. Google Calendar sync
- Add “Page”/Document sync to Notion Integration
- Deduplication as a core feature
- Make import an optional part of workspace creation (i.e. make it more discoverable)
Work Management and Notifications
Although Fibery is extremely powerful and can manage a wide variety of processes, those are almost inevitably more complicated to implement and get used to in Fibery vs. e.g. simple work management. And the largest common denominator for most Fibery users will probably be projects + tasks or some variation of. Thus it makes sense to really prioritize the user experience here as it’s the first thing many users will encounter, and rough edges in this area will likely turn people off quickly, especially vs. other, more purpose-built tools they may be coming from.
- Simpler reminder functionality in addition to automation-based approach and I will be posting a more specific proposal around this soon
- Lack of Work Management features in Fibery (Reminders, Dependencies, Notifications, My Work, etc.) - #12 by Oshyan here I outline what I think is a fairly low-effort, high impact short-list of potential changes to Notifications to make them far more usable
- [APPROVED] Mention notification UI improvement
- [PLANNED] “Watcher” of an Entity - use the Assignment Extension?
- Turn “Notifications” into “Inbox” or Viewing sent Notifications and responses
- Small element of Notifications - “I’ve read it” functionality and/or comment reactions
Comments, etc.
- In-line comments should open in “gutter” (like Google Docs)
- Unread indicator on in-line comment threads
Polish and User Experience
Other Perspectives on the Same Topic
This is essentially another user’s suggestions for similar goal: