New pricing FAQ for existing customers

Today we’ve introduced new pricing with a few key changes:

  • Free plan for teams of 10 or fewer people with feature restrictions but unlimited entities.
  • AI included in paid plans instead of an AI add-on.
  • Guests free of charge to collaborate with external people at no extra cost.
  • Pricier Standard and Pro plans to account for AI, our mortgages and inflation.
  • Public Enterprise plan price to stick to our principle of transparency.

The new pricing is already available at Pricing — Fibery and applies to new customers from November 1. The existing paying customers will have the option to renew their subscription on old terms till the end of February 2025.

This topic is meant to answer some of the questions we expect from you. As more questions will appear below, we’ll update this post.

If you have any questions you don’t want to share publicly, please reach out to us in chat or at

Can we remain on the old pricing tier?

Yes, for a while. We will automatically renew all subscriptions for existing paying customers on old terms until February 28, 2025.

If you’d like to stay on your existing plan for as long as possible, switch to annual billing. This way, you can keep the existing deal going till February 2026 at the latest.

If you’re already on annual billing and your next billing date is after Feb 28, 2025, we’ll automatically switch you to the corresponding new plan at the end of your billing cycle. In this case, there’s no way to extend your subscription on old terms.

Can we switch to the new plan earlier?

Sure! This makes total sense if you are

  • on Pro and have purchased the AI pack => transition to the new Pro;
  • on Standard with less than 10 users and databases => transition to Free.

Reach out to us via chat or at and we’ll transition your workspace to the new plan of your choice.

The transition might take a week or two as this includes migrating you to the new billing system, we’ll try our best to finish before your next billing cycle :smile:.

Once you’re on a new plan, there’s no going back: for example, if you switch from the legacy Solo plan to the new Free plan and realize you want your unlimited Databases back, you’ll have to upgrade to Standard.

What if we already use SAML SSO or JS automations?

If a feature is present in your current plan and you are using it, we won’t take it away from you when you transition to a new plan.

For example, if you are on the Pro plan and have SAML SSO + SCIM enabled, we won’t force you to upgrade to Enterprise to continue using it. The same goes for historical Reports, script automation actions, and IP restrictions.

What about resource limits?

Monthly quotas on automations and integrations will apply as soon as you transition to a new plan.

Today we only announce the numbers but do not enforce them. We’ll add admin analytics for automation runs and integration syncs in the coming weeks so you can see if you come close to your plan’s limits and plan accordingly.

Our data shows that 95% of the users shouldn’t be affected at all. The rest will have the option to optimize usage (e.g. batch automations or run integrations less frequently) or upgrade to a better plan.

Can I use Fibery for free by myself with >10 Databases?

Yes, you can choose between the old Solo free plan with unlimited Databases or the new collaborative free plan with 10 users. By default, we’ll keep you on the legacy plan—reach out if you want to switch.

The resource limits on the legacy Solo plan will be the same as on Standard.


Sorry if I’m just unclear here, but for people on the old legacy solo free plan: other than the resource limits now mirroring that of the standard plan, will anything else be different? As in, will all features that we’ve had remain the same, or should we expect features to be transitioned down to the “new free plan”’s feature set at some point?

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The automation limits will obviously break some accounts, eventually.

I don’t see an option to pay for additional automation capacity, so everything will just grind to a halt until the next month arrives - no good for a mission-critical system :crying_cat_face:

Where can we see how many automation runs we are currently using in a month so we can plan accordingly?

I’m on free solo and have been curious for a while about testing collaboration with a second non-guest user, so in theory this is good news.

I have > 10 databases. Is it safe to assume I can add up to 9 users and choose which 10 databases to share across the new ‘nimble team’, while keeping my > 10 personal databases? This would ease the transition–I could start by sharing one database and then over time share up to 9 more.

Otherwise, am I right that my choices are to either completely re-architect everything to reduce down to 10 databases (which would be a lot of work), or make a new account from scratch and attempt to export some data as csv and then re-import it in the new account (the FAQ says this is not possible, by the way)?

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Enterprise plan has unlimited automations, so if necessary, you can upgrade

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I’m also really curious. I have no idea how much automations we have :sweat_smile:

The feature set will stay intact. For example, you’ll have whiteboards and charts missing in the new free plan—as long as you remain the only workspace member.

If you come close to the limit and that’s the only thing forcing you to upgrade, let us know—perhaps, we’ll work something out.

We will add these numbers for Admins in the upcoming weeks. Then you’ll have a few weeks to see your usage and plan accordingly. The enforcement is not going to happen suddenly, especially for the ones on the old plans.

Since there is no such thing as “personal databases” in Fibery, unfortunately, this wouldn’t work.

Unless you have a lot of data (1000+ entities), you can use a Space template to copy a part of your workspace into a new one.


What counts as one run? If I have a script that says for each relation of an entity, create another entity. And it creates 500 entities. Is that 1 run or 10 or 500?

If it’s only one, then I might adjust no-code solution into a scripting one to reduce runs.

Followup q: Auto linking restrictions. Are those per month or in total of workspace? Is there a way to see that number in the workspace?



Entities changes that cause Automation Run are counted.
For example you’ve made some changes in Fibery, and this forced a run for some Automation Rule for let’s say 60 entities(trigger + Automation filter conditions were passed successfully for those 60 entities). Then we split entities into chunks (by 50 at the moment). So you will have 2 runs counted in your limits. One with 50 entities, another one with 10.
It doesn’t matter how much Actions your Automation has, or how much changes it does.

So answering your question:

If I have a script that says for each relation of an entity, create another entity. And it creates 500 entities. Is that 1 run or 10 or 500?

It will be counted as one run.

I’m not sure how do you achieve behavior you’ve described with no-code Automations. So can’t say how much of resource limits it consumes.

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This is a per-relation limit. We haven’t enforced it yet, so no way to see it. But you can quickly check yourself: if both Databases participating in an automatically linked relation hold less than 25K (250K on Pro) entities, you are fine.

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