February 27, 2025 / 🐳 Share Database with Group or everyone, New Sidebar, Copy as Markdown, Timeline and required fields improvements

Today’s release is (once again) fully packed with different large and small improvements in various places. Sidebar changes affect everyone, please, check them out ↓.

:gift: Share Database with Group or everyone

Special for @Mircea_Braescu, @Michael_Ichter, @ChadL, @Yuri_BC and other people.
Now, you can share Databases not just with individual users (many clicks) but with User Groups (few clicks) or even everyone in the workspace (two clicks):

With this update, you can share anything with groups that you can share with individual users: Spaces, Databases, and Entities (incl. automatic and inherited access).

:face_exhaling: Old Sidebar → New Sidebar

Special for all Fibery users, but maybe also for @Yuri_BC, @ebell, @NicolSpies, @rickcogley, @Oshyan, and @Lee_Denny
New Sidebar has some major changes for admins (and users). Now you can create Folders, Views, and Smart Folders on a top level, put Spaces into Folders, and enforce the same sidebar structure to all users.

Here is the list of changes:

  1. There are two sections on top: Workspace and Personal
    – In the Workspace section the order of items in the sidebar is set by Admin(s), and nobody else can change it.
    – Any user can add items into Favorites and can re-arrange them in PersonalFavorites section.
  2. Admin(s) can create Folders at the top level and put Spaces into Folders. For example, you can create a CRM Folder and put all relevant Spaces to this Folder.
  3. Admin(s) can create Views and Smart Folders at the top level. For example, you can create Intro document and describe how Workspace works. Or you can create Teams Smart Folder and provide users a quick navigation to the teams they have access to.
  4. It is not possible for a user to hide Spaces any more.

:bangbang: Watch the explanatory video and check Sidebar migration guide.

Copy as Markdown action for entities and docs

Special for Linear fans :wink:
Now you can copy any entity or document into markdown format and paste whenever you want (hint: probably to ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, or any other LLM :octopus:). Find Copy as Markdown action in … menu in an entity or via right click context menu on any view.

What is copied for an entity?

  • Name and all rich text fields content
  • All fields metadata and values
  • All comments
  • All linked Highlights

You can also select several cards and copy them to markdown in batch!

Timeline improvements

Entities creation on Timeline View

We’ve added a hint to hold Cmd (or Ctrl on Windows) key to create new cards on Timeline View. Esc usage is streamlined and New button on top of the view works more predictable now.


Hide empty lanes on Timeline View

Special for @ellemef, @Shlomi_Dagan and other people
Now you can hide empty lanes on Timeline View and make this view less cluttered and more dense. Click Filters, click on Lane databases and enable Hide Empty Lanes option. Enjoy!

:phone: Upcoming: legacy pricing plans are being gradually deprecated

Special for our bank account
The new pricing is barely new now: it’s been around since November 2024. Until now, the switch from legacy to new plans has been voluntary for existing customers. Starting March 1, we will automatically transition all subscriptions to a matching new plan at the next billing date:

Workspace admins will see a heads-up banner in the sidebar a week before the transition; no action items will be necessary. For those on a monthly plan, the transition will happen in March, while for annual subscribers, the date might be as late as Feb 28, 2026.

Here is a quick recap of what changes for you if you are on a legacy plan now:

  • Unless you’ve purchased the AI Pack (being deprecated as well), your subscription price will increase by 20%.
  • You’ll preserve the functionality that used to be in your old plan but is not present in the new one:
    • Standard: JS automation scripts, restricted login methods.
    • Pro: SAML SSO + SCIM, restricted IPs.
  • Additionally, you’ll get AI capabilities even if you haven’t purchased the AI pack.
  • The monthly limits for automation runs and integration syncs will start applying to you.

Here’s our pricing FAQ for existing customers and the blog post explaining how we arrived at the current pricing.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Icons updated for specific collection units on all views (comments, files, documents and whiteboards)
  • Required fields improvements and fixes:
    • Convert action supports required fields now
    • Batch edit supports required fields now
    • Do not show quick add popup when all required fields can be filled from filter and/or context
    • :lady_beetle: Remove “hide when empty” possibility for required fields
    • :lady_beetle: Allow to change m-m relations when some required field exists
    • :lady_beetle: Do not render additional name field when name is generated via formula
    • :lady_beetle: Too many users get assigned to a card when I add it for specific row for a user on a board
    • :lady_beetle: Make Default form always, well, default for new user
    • :lady_beetle: Default form proliferation. Some people saw many many default forms

P.S. Share your :yellow_heart:, :scream: and :neutral_face: below, we do listen and enjoy every piece of feedback and every burst of emotions from you.


:fire: It’s insane how good this release is!

Share DB with Groups - absolutely needed this! Now I’m not afraid of managing access for the 100 people I’ll be handling :slightly_smiling_face:

Admin Priority in Sidebar Organization - yes, yes, and YES! “Workspace” and “Personal” – clear and well-named.

Top-Level Folders and Views – we have 23 spaces and counting, incredibly useful improvement!

Honestly, every single improvement is something we’ve been waiting for. This is so awesome! Huge thanks, guys – you’re the best! :sparkling_heart:


Amazing update. LOVE the sidebar additions and it will make structuring items much easier! Sharing improvements are :fire::goat:

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A few thoughts to add:

  1. :art: Now it would make sense to add color coding for folders, so that the entire top-level isn’t just gray :slight_smile:

  2. :beetle: If you first create a folder without an icon, and then add one later, it keeps resetting until you refresh the page.


Amazing, we were waiting for Database Group permissions, as well as custom folder structures since we started using Fibery. Main priority really happy its in there now.

One issue, we moved all our spaces around, but after reloading the page they all show in the original location, and when we try to move them again it shows that only one menu item per space is allowed, and the clients cant see the folders we created. Any idea why this happens?


Sorry, we did not cleanup feature flags properly, fixed already. Please try refresh.


Yes, its solved, thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the Sidebar, logical and simple to use. I do not have to continue to hide all the development workspaces in a continous long list. Together with the admin sort order, perfect. :pray: Together with the group permissions :boom::boom:


Amazing release! Really excited about permissions and will have to find time to rethink how we handle our workspace. Was waiting for this release to dive back into them.

For folders on the new sidebar, are they only visible if there is a space inside of the folder that you have access to? For example if there was an admin folder with spaces that only admins have permissions to, would everyone else see an empty folder or no folder at all?

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Folder is visible when a user has access to at least one Space inside it (or it contains any View, like a document or table).


As always great updates!
Will the “private” folder in the “personal” tab then be removed with time?

Unlikely, we need a space where people can keep private things. In some future we still hope to add private databases


Then I think I am not understanding fully how either the personal or the private work :wink:

Personal = Favourites + Private

Favourites = whitelisted items from the workspace
Private = docs/views that only you can see


Arent personal also only visible to me though?


Private = visible only to me (always)

Favourites = things in the workspace I am interested in, that others might be able to see (depending on their permissions)

Personal = sidebar view where Favourites and Private sections are shown

Great release, thank you for the hard work. Much appreciated! Share Database with group is amazing. New sidebar is very nice. :hugs:

Lovely update as always!! Idk how you guys do it.

I think the new terminology of the sidebar makes much more sense!!
I love how admins can organise as needed. (Power to the admins!!)

This works in batch, but not in single right click…

Super quick fix wow! Makes it much more functional.

I would think about this a lot when the time comes. I imagine a future where everyone uses fibery (like gmail). If you’re invited as a guest in multiple workspaces, shared a doc to review, want to take personal notes, its hard to navigate across workspaces (imagine if you had to change workspaces every time someone from a different domain shared a google doc with you? We’re not there yet, but the time will come (i can feel it). Then maybe instead of a personal databases and views, every user could by default have a “Personal Workspace”, where they can only make 10 databases themselves (unless they upgrade), but have access to all the databases from all the workspaces they are in, and can create views on them. Would be a nice way for members to learn the ropes of fibery as an admin. If they so wish. Just a thought, not sure exactly how it would work.

Ok I get it now, thanks!