January 30, 2025 / 🐈 Filter by related Entity's Fields, New Space Setup, Follow other users on a Whiteboard

:ringer_planet: Filter and color-code by related Entity’s Fields

You can now filter Entities using fields from related databases. When setting up filters, you’ll see a new > arrow next to relation fields, allowing you to access and filter by fields from the related database.


For example, if your Tasks database is connected to Teams, Epics, and Departments, you can now filter tasks using fields from any of these related databases.

NOTE: Current limitations for this release:

  • Collection fields can be selected but don’t support deeper field access
  • People fields are not included
  • The Created by relation field does not support this functionality

:parrot: Databases in left sidebar, aka New Space Setup (yet again)

Now you can show/hide Databases for any Space in the left sidebar, thus we merged separate Space setup screen with the left sidebar. Less context switching. No modes!

Key Highlights:

  • Databases can be shown and hidden for every Space in the sidebar.
  • Databases can be expanded to access data, fields, relations, rules, buttons and access templates.
  • All Space setup actions are accessible via 
 Space menu.
  • Databases and Integrations can be added to Space via + menu.

NOTE: This feature is enabled by default, but if you don’t like it (why?), you can disable it in Experimental Lab (so far).

:cat2: Follow other users on a Whiteboard

You can now follow other users on the whiteboard, making it easier to stay in sync and collaborate seamlessly.

Find the person’s avatar in the toolbar and click their avatar in the menu bar to follow them instantly.

A border matching the person’s avatar color will appear around your canvas, and a message at the top of the screen will indicate who you are following. While following, you will see their cursor and actions as they navigate the whiteboard.

To stop following, click Stop at the top of your canvas.

:face_exhaling: Gmail OAuth Sync

We finally passed Google security verification and you can integrate Fibery with Gmail account via OAuth. We also deprecated older Gmail IMAP sync. It still works if you have it, but we disabled creation of new syncs via Gmail IMAP.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • If your subscription payment doesn’t go through, we will display a banner in the sidebar, suggesting you to update the payment method. At first, only Admins see it; after two weeks everyone does. Once a workspace is unpaid for three weeks, we’ll lock it while waiting for the payment. After four weeks we’ll give up and cancel the subscription. We hope we’ll never have to do that though.
  • Once someone gets access to an Entity via a Group, it’s clearly explained in the access audit (aka Shared with 

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Firefox: can’t open “items” in the search results in a new tab by clicking on them with the middle mouse button
  • Space import causes link-rule removal
  • Email sync: "Personal integration Id is missing’ on selecting account in ‘Multiple accounts’
  • Highlight database should not be available in quick add
  • Table View:
    • Unexpected SUM result in column - 0 value is expected
    • Broken functionality for sorting in Table view

P.S. We gratefully accept ideas, :heart:, and friendly punches!


Really good release!

The related entities filtering is huge because it will help get rid of some lookup fields for us. Any chance that formulas in filters might be coming soon too to allow even more flexibility?

I also like your new and improved approach to space/database settings in the sidebar, it’s great to be able to stay on a single screen. As a somewhat related (at least in my mind) request, could you please add the “Rename & set icon” context menu and popup option to all Entities across Fibery? I hate that you have to open the entire entity just to change something as simple as an entities name!


Unfortunately this is quite hard to do, so no plans for this year.

Good idea, we will consider it.

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As an admin, I love this change. It is so much simpler and intuitive to add/find/edit your databases.

BUT, please consider removing this feature for non-admins/creators. I don’t see the benefit, but I do see it causing a lot of confusion. What is the goal of showing non-admin/creators these databases?

  • Many teammates and clients who are invited to Fibery to perform their job, normal users who are not configuring databases/spaces, will get no benefit from seeing these databases. They’ll forget they clicked it and then their sidebar will be junked up with database views that look messy and don’t do anything for them, making it harder for them to find the curated views that admins created for them. It’s not even a useful view for these users, as they can’t select fields/sort/color. In my opinion this is a point of friction that will make Fibery a harder sell to a lot of companies where non-tech savy executives are clicking around and get stuck on database views which aren’t organized to be useful at a first glance.
  • And for the technical non-admin/creator user, they can already create a table view in ‘My Items’ to see the full database, and there they can choose the fields/sorts/colors however they want.

Also - following other users on a whiteboard. Very cool.


Yes, it seems you are right, we will consider it


Very happy about these. The extra screen navigation for space setup was a bit of a pain!

Filters based on Relation is amazing! This means there is less of a need to pull in lookups or formulas simply for filtering :heart_eyes:

Also, I see Dependency Management as an experimental feature. Is there any info on that?


Filter and color-code by related Entity’s Fields

This is amazing,
I’ll no longer have to create all sorts of fields just so that I can filter based on a related entity’s props,

Once someone gets access to an Entity via a Group, it’s clearly explained in the access audit

While this looks useful and the recent access via groups update was a huge improvement, there’s one big piece of the puzzle that is missing.

The current setup answers the question: who has access to this space or entity?

We need an additional setup that answers the question: what spaces or entities does this user have access to?

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It slipped into release unexpectedly and not ready for anything. I hope in 2 weeks we will have the release


Amazing :man_shrugging:t3:

Nice, I think you finally find the right way to improve the Space Setup :100:

Thanks for this. Currently, I find this new setup only marginally more convenient than the previous Configure setup. Would it be possible to open database pages within panes? Then I feel like this new setup would really become more powerful. I would love to be able to compare two rules side-by-side.

Thanks for this update! I really appreciate filtering by related entity fields and the improvement to the access audit!

An idea I just had for the access audit: is it possible to provide more info regarding where a permission comes from? For example, a user might be marked as receiving Owner access as an Assignee. However, the user is not an Assignee of this entity, but actually an Assignee of a related entity. I don’t if it would be too cluttered to say something like “Assignees ([Relation])” to clearly show where the permission propagation comes from.

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Yep! And the same question about a Group. This is in the plans for the next few months once we finish with all the ways one can receive access.


Some nice improvements. However, has this release broken editing filters?

Boards used to update immediately when editing filters, but I now find I need to click away to a different page and back again to update the view (for example when filtering rows based on entity workflow state, and including a new state in that filter).

Hmm, it should not be the case. Can you refresh and reproduce it consistently?

I think a fantastic way to visualize this would be to see the workspace map filtered by user or user group where spaces/databases with no access disappear and icons communicate access levels - just an idea

The new Databases in sidebar is a marked improvement for me. There’s just one gap I’ve run into frequently. Now when clicking on the database name from an entity view or the search bar you are shown the table from the database editor but the sidebar does not expand to reflect where you are in the space setup.

I think auto-expanding the space on the sidebar and some sort of UX indicator (like changing the background color of the database rows) can help here.


That’s an interesting idea that we haven’t discussed internally. Thank you!
Updating and granting access might prove challenging on such a visualization, but it sounds great for getting an overview at a glance.


I like this
 no more modes! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Sweet! Not a high priority ask for me, but nice touch that brings you in line with the other tools! :slight_smile:

I don’t like it, it was all nicely separated in the config section and now it’s suddenly within the views. Sometimes I just don’t understand the UI changes, similarly with the “my items” being there twice in the sidebar. I like things clean and separated, but maybe that’s just my personal taste.

Besides that, love the filter on related entity fields!

Could you provide more details why this is a problem?

Clean, easy to look at, short:

Messy (a lot of databases and colors), too long, more scrolling needed, not clear if you need a view or a database as a non-experienced Fibery user:

I guess I just don’t understand why you take a step “back” after putting so much effort into creating a very nicely done separate config mode. Why make it a hybrid solution. Also, the databases are not views, people might confuse them for being a view. I think it’s just a bad user experience and I’m frankly surprised that people above like it. I don’t get why they would prefer it like this.