December 8, 2022 / Add Folders to Favorites, Expand relation Views

:star: Add existing Folders (and Smart Folders) to Favorites

Add Folders and Smart Folders into Favorites. Click near Folder name and select Add to Favorites action. Consistency FTW!

:peacock: Expand relation Views

Now that you can visualize to-many relations not just with Lists but with (almost) all kinds of Views, it won’t hurt to open them in full screen:


It’s much more comfortable to work with a large Board or Timeline View having this extra space.

:infinity: Infinite scroll in search results

We used to limit the number of search results to 60. But what if you have 99 problems and the one you are looking for doesn’t appear in the results? Now you simply scroll down until it appears:


:mag_right: Search Databases

Previously, navigating to a Database looked like this:

  1. Remember in which Space a Database is
  2. Look for the name of the Space in the left menu
  3. Check Hidden Spaces :person_facepalming:
  4. Find the right tab in Space settings


  1. Type task in search

:point_up: We only find Databases that you can manage: this means you need to be a Creator in the relevant Space.

:butterfly: Small Improvements

  • A rich-text Field automatically expands if collapsed when navigating to a specific place in it via a direct link.
  • Expand/collapse Fields on Entity View works for publicly shared Spaces.

:shrimp: 13 Fixed Bugs

Whiteboard has gotten even more love:

  1. Two separate groups should be on whiteboard if copy Grouped objects
  2. Objects don’t embed to the frame if add one object over another objects
  3. Firefox: Text is invisible on stickers and shapes on whiteboard
  4. Whiteboard Entity Tree: date filter works incorrectly
  5. Whiteboard: Entity Tree visualization issues
  6. It’s Impossible to create tree view if there are 10+ databases in the space
  7. Button title is cut at the bottom

Other product areas has not been forgotten either:

  1. Expand/collapse state of a Field is reset when it’s removed from Entity View
  2. Loader blinking in smart folder when add new entity or context view
  3. Broken layout in Notification pop-up
  4. Descriptions in templates pop-up have become editable + color border appears
  5. Timeline live-updates issue: entity does not appear if it was filtered out and then started to fit filter criteria
  6. Live-updates: card disappears from recently created column if ‘hide all empty’ columns option is on

Awesome release :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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