Sep 12, 2024 / 🏎️ Quick Search in Views, Pin Entity Views, better Whiteboard grids, and more

Today’s release is packed with usability improvements in many areas, including Views, Whiteboards, and Email sync.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Quick Search in Views

Now you can quickly find cards in Views. Just click Search this View (or Cmd + F) and type some keywords. It works in Table, List, Timeline, Board, and Calendar Views.

Search is quite basic and works for Name, ID, basic text fields and number fields. In hierarchical Table or List View it automatically expand the tree with all found entities.

:martial_arts_uniform: Go to View… navigation in all top level Views

Fast navigation to relevant Views added to all top level Views. For example, this View shows Features, Bugs and Tasks, and you can quickly navigate to other Views with Features, Bugs or Tasks.

:pushpin: Pin Entity Views

Now you can pin several Entity Views and enjoy quick navigation between these Views. For example, you can customize them for specific use cases and switch focus fast.

In the extreme scenario you can create Entity Views with just few fields to quickly access some collections, like you can create a View that will just show Bugs collection (and nothing else) and thus jump to Bugs with a single click.

:dash: Email Sync improvements

First of all, now you can configure 5 minutes sync interval for Email Integration.

We’ve also added OAuth2 authentication support for Microsoft Accounts to extend the email integration to Microsoft Business Email accounts.

:pinching_hand: Whiteboard grid improvements

Whiteboard grid was improved:

  • Default grid steps changed. 40 points for dot step / 10 points for grid step
  • Default object size and placement. When user adds a new shape or entity, it should automatically align with the grid.
  • Snapping to the grid. As you move shapes or object, they will snap to the nearest grid line (step 10 points), so at least one edge is always perfectly aligned.
  • Resizing and copy/paste:
    • When you resize an object, its edges will automatically adjust to fit the grid lines, keeping everything in line.
    • When you copy and paste objects, they’ll automatically snap to the nearest grid points, making it easy to duplicate items cleanly.
  • Using arrow keys. If Snap to grid is enabled, pressing arrow keys move an object by exactly one grid step (step 10 points).

:nerd_face: Add description for automation Rules & Buttons

Now you can add description for automation Rules and Buttons. It will help to understand what the rule is about, and for buttons it will show a tooltip for a user as well.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • You can access entity Comments collection from Markdown Templates as {- Comments:Text -}.
  • Now if you click on a card on Whiteboard to open cards details, the card will be highlighted to identify the one that is currently open
  • Now, by clicking on the Database badge, you can quickly navigate to the Database setup screen from the Entity View.
  • Smart Sections are out of expiremental. Still more things to do to make them good, but at least they are useful and stable, so they are safe to use.
  • Fibery is no longer accessible from Russia and Belarus.

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • CSV import: The Fibery name is not filled automatically when the column name is empty in the source file.
  • Whiteboard:
    • Navigation map is blank when it was enabled before and you get back to Whiteboard
    • When zooming in, the thickness of the object’s selection line increases
  • Integrations pop-up is partly hidden under sidebar
  • Change ‘Deleted rule’ to ‘No access rule’ in entity history

+100 for the search in views!

I know that saved filters are coming to views but the searching/narrowing is a huge usability improvement. Props again to the team!


“Pin Entity Views” is a very useful feature. As are all of today’s improvements. Many thanks to the whole team! :clap: :rocket:

Pinned entity views is such a great feature – so excited to try this out.

The 5min email sync is going to remove a LOT of friction from our email-centric workflows, so thanks so much for that one!

And being able to click on the database icon to go to the setup screen is a small but mighty improvement as well. Thanks for always looking for small (and of course, not-so-small) ways to improve the UX

You had me me at quick search in views.
The whiteboards improvements are just gravy on top.

RE Multiple Entity Views:

Q: Can I define what entity view is selected by default based on user role, from another view (like Table) or by some entity field value?

Not yet, but we are collecting use cases and thinking about the solution. Ping us in Intercom (Help & Support section in the bottom of the left menu) and provide your use case to speed up this process.

Lacking this deeper functionality, it could be useful if each individual entity remembered the last view that was selected for it.

Many many many thanks to all of you for the grid improvements on the whiteboard! Gave it a little spin and this makes it so much more easy to use (and less reliant on the guides)! :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

Also, love that you went with a 10/40px grid. Neat choice! :slightly_smiling_face:

A few small gaps I did still notice, when trying out the new grid:

  1. When zooming out to 50%, the grid dots and steps decrease to 80px, at 25% they decrease to 160px and at 10% to 60px. I think the scale-down of the grid to ease visual strain and snapping steps is very neat! However, the OCD person in me would love the major 160px (or 640px?) grid to be a tad more dominant (i.e. just a tad darker grey dots), so that I can place my objects on the major grid so that when zooming out, my objects still sit on a grid by default :slightly_smiling_face:
  2. Angled line shapes do not follow the 10px or 40px grid, which I think they should also do.
  3. Embedded Cards, that cannot be resized, now match the grid size, but I’m a little sad that they are 11x40px wide. This makes them not align once zoomed out and it also makes the vertical lines coming out be off the grid by default. I think making the Cards 12x40px wide would be neater overall. I would agree that 16x40px is too big at 50% and 100% zoom, which seems to me at least my default sizes of use :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again and sorry for the nitpicking. :face_with_monocle:

Amazing updates!

Now, I am just hoping we get this for the sidebar/navigation menu :crossed_fingers:



Really good week, tons of useful improvements.

My favorites are the option to “Pin Views” and the 5 min email sync!

Wow, what a release :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Thanks guys!

Will there be an option in relation views as well? We only use relation views in our workspace and would love to use this feature :smile:


:grin:This is the most excited I have been for a Fibery update since entity relation views. I can’t wait to go through my entire workspace and figure out the best pinned views. Huge kudos to the Fibery team. Y’all are incredible.

I am equally excited for the Pin Relation Views feature to be released. Both of these together will make it 1000x easier for my company to find the information they need to find. Thank you!!!


Yes, please add the search to relation views! Like @YvetteLans we essentially only use relation views and would really appreciate this feature there.


+1 for relation views


These improvements are amazingly useful to me. Thanks!

I’d love to see the quick filter on the whiteboard (or for just ctrl-f to work there). When I have many cards on a whiteboard (sometimes before converting to specs/entities) it’s so hard to find if I have created a card about a thing or not, and where it’s located.

Sure, we just didn’t manage to include it into this release, should be in the next release


We have this feature in a backlog, but it is not so simple to implement. So eventually we will do it, but not sure when


I suspected so, or I’m sure you would have implemented it already.

It would be very useful to me when supported, thanks! I’ll put my main uses cases below for reference, but I guess you already know these use cases pretty well.

My use case for searching inside the whiteboard
My main pain relating to whiteboard searching is when I have the whiteboard open, and doing brainstorming or (often early) roadmapping. I find the whiteboard very good for this initially, but process breaks down a bit when I later go back to update the board.

When I can’t find the cards by scanning the board, it prompts me to try to start converting cards to entities, so I can search for them, but then I need to convert all cards (say 60) which I don’t always want (I find early ideas etc easier to handle as simple text cards), and thats my pain point.

I also would like to quickly pull up an entity from the whiteboard especially when discussing the roadmap with others, but today this only works for me long as I structure the whiteboard to have different sections where different cards should be, and i have still memorized most features.

My use case for search results from whiteboards
It would also be useful for me to get search results from a whiteboard in the global search, and then be able to jump to that if I click on the search result. Sometimes I don’t know if I put something in a whiteboard, and this would help me find the right whiteboard if I did.

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On a roll guys! Already implemented a few pinned entity views.

Does anyone have examples how they are using emails inside Fibery? Can you fully replace Gmail in a sense?

It doesn’t really look good because of all the tables in the html, so it’s not very user friendly to process I’d say:

Fibery can’t work as an email client so far. Main limitations:

  • No way to reply to emails and keep threads of emails this way (however, there is a good chance we will do it very soon)
  • Entity is not the best representation of email message, since Fibery does not parse it well enough in many cases (like on your screenshot or when you have many replies inlined into text). This problem is much harder to solve, one bet we have is to remove HTML formatting from incoming emails…
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