With Lookups, relation to Lookup visible in "Looked Up" entity?

Hi again guys, please forgive the barrage but just eager to understand as much as I can!

Micheal, as a particular use of what I think you are speaking of re: the Lookup “visibility” in a Collections, is this a good example?

What I’m trying to do here is set up what I think may be a typical situation in CRM:

  • Company - a sort of “hub” of all that goes on with one of your clients
  • Contact - the actual rep at the client with whom certain activities are done: Conversations, Deals, etc.
  • Conversations - one type of “activity” as mentioned above.

As through the life of a Client, there may be various individuals that you interact with, which are the “contacts” in this case, I wanted to use Fibery’s flexibility to give a way to track each of these reps. My team has found this useful as we frequently have multiple reps of a client we work with through the history of a contract.

So what I’ve done here is set up the Contact, “E Jones,” as the entity to have this Client Conversation. That Client is tied to the Company “J Inc”, so I used the Lookup to show in the Conversation which company this conversation is carried out with:

So here back in the Company card - which again I’d like to use as a sort of “Company Hub,” right now I don’t pick up those conversations connected via the Lookup.

But if I’ve understood you correctly, the “Lookup Collection” you speak of will show these conversations, just not have a true “relation” in the Fibery backend.

I think that’s a terrific solution. You don’t need the actual relation, but the visibility is absolutely useful, and missing right now.

In fact, I think what you are talking about would fulfill one of my mass of requests in here :blush:, because this does exactly what I described in this one:

Thanks again guys, and hope this is all useful too you and not overwhelming!