Hi Guys,
I have been using Lookups and just noticed that when I create a lookup, I don’t seem to be able to see a relation to the entity which has the lookup from the “looked up” entity.
What I mean is this:
I created a lookup here in the Gist Planning app:
This is the “looked up” entity, the “Improve SEO” Objective:
I was expecting to see a reference back to the entity with the lookup, since there is now a relation created. In red highlighted is the “source” of the lookup in the previous entity, the “common” entity that ties the lookup together. I added the relation manually (highlighted in yellow). It’s empty as right now as far as I can tell the lookups don’t go “two ways”?
With “regular” relations in Fibery, it’s nice that when you create a relation, in the “related” entity that relation back to the “relating” entity is automatically created, and they stay synced. If I have misunderstood with lookups and they also work this way, could you please let me know how?
If Lookups only go “one way” right now, I’d like to request that you guys build out the functionality of two-way like with the regular relations. Lookups are a another really differentiating feature of Fibery, it would be great to have the “complete” functionality with the two-way sync I’m describing here.
Thanks guys!