Tell us what templates you want šŸ˜

We recognise that it isnā€™t always easy to figure out how to set up Fibery to work the way you need it to :woman_shrugging:
Thatā€™s why we have the pre-defined templates for you to use and be inspired by :mechanical_arm: :muscle:

Of course, there may not be a template that is quite what youā€™re looking for :mag_right:
Since weā€™re always looking for ways to ensure that people are getting the best out of their Fibery usage, we want you to tell us what youā€™re missing.

Reply to this post with your suggestions for what template(s) youā€™d like to see added to the gallery. We have our own ideas about ones we could provide, but itā€™s better that we ask you folks to steer us in the right direction :blue_car:

So please suggest a template youā€™d like to see (include enough info for other people to understand what it should be able to do) and when weā€™ve collected some responses, weā€™ll start running a poll to see which ones are the most popular indicate your favourite(s) with a :white_heart:

Weā€™ll do our best to provide templates to meet the demand :construction_worker_man: and as a thank you, weā€™ll maybe include an Easter egg :egg: for the person who first suggested the idea.


Product Matrix

This app will make mapping out the product Iā€™m building, and planning features much easier.
Rows are features/areas in the product, while columns are domains in the product.

Whenever we plan a new feature, we add it as a row, and tick off the domains we think it interacts with. This helps us to spot contradictions or gaps in advance.


Two that I think would be both useful and popular (i.e. might get Fibery some buzz/traffic) would be:

1. Product/Market Fit Analysis

An implementation of the Product/Market Fit evaluation/analysis from Superhuman, which is now widely used by many startups. Coda version and link to article that describes it here:

I have already talked to @Chr1sG about this one and had planned to implement myself, but havenā€™t had time. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But it is definitely popular right now, and could get some more startups into the fold if Fibery had a competing out-of-the-box implementation to Coda.

2. Work Prioritization Models (multiple)

Implementations of popular development prioritization strategies, e.g. RICE, etc. I know some of this already exists, but it would be nice to have multiple different ones, and ideally as stand-alone as possible (i.e. with the greatest possible capability to integrate to existing company setups). An existing product that focuses entirely on this, and costs a fair bit on its own given it doesnā€™t have full task management, etc. (it integrates with Jira, ClickUp, etc. for that) is Ducalis:

At the least that is a good overview of the most well-known strategies, although not ranked by popularity/importance (which youā€™d probably want to do, to avoid having to implement them all). Not all would necessarily be easy to implement, either, e.g. Fibery doesnā€™t have a ā€œquadrantā€ view yet (though a Graph view might work?), so doing an Eisenhower-like approach might be challenging.


I would like to have a template for group of fields and formulas for PERT planning.
From practice, you need inputs for optimistic, pessimistic, most likely time and output for 95th percentile expected time from it. It would be perfect if these all together can be styled as single control rather than a long group of fields.

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Strange, but I couldnā€™t find a template for CJM. At the same time, there are templates for User research and Content Marketing, which should also be linked with CJM.

CJM is different for each product, thatā€™s right. But typical map elements are usually standard: Person, Stages, Steps, Touch points, etc. Therefore, it is quite possible to make a ready-made App.

Many companies compose and update CJM in Google Sheets (If it is used for everyday work, and not for the sake of a beautiful picture: 0). But in Fibery it is much more efficient to do it.

As an example for a template, you can use information from the sites: and


Hereā€™s a crazy idea. Create templates of projects based on how theyā€™re set up in other Project Management tools.

For example, if Iā€™m a current user of Asana or Coda, testing or transitioning to Fibery would be much easier for me if I donā€™t have to spend time recreating ā€œfeaturesā€.

So Iā€™m thinking aside from the types and the views, there will be rules/buttons/relations/lookups/scripts (e.g. required field prompt, assigning task to me button, append checklists button) already in the template, closely simulating how it works in the other PM tools.

Then the user can spend the time instead exploring what more Fibery brings to table.


I think this is a really good and interesting idea, though probably a laborious one. Another tool I use, Amazing Marvin, does this and even a step further in some respects, since it has a pretty configurable UI, so it does things like enabling (or disabling) certain UI features like panels, etc. based on how another tool is laid out. Anyway, Iā€™m not suggesting Fibery go to those lengths, only bringing it up because itā€™s an example of another product that does this. A similar idea is ToDo apps that allow you to start with a preset ā€œtask management styleā€, e.g. GTD, etc., which affects not only e.g. the default categories or task states but also, as you say, the preconfigured actions you can take out-of-the-box (actions, buttons, etc. in the context of Fibery).


I know you are asking for what kind of APP templates you guys could build, but I could still use a more simplified way to create an Entity within an Type with the same recurring attributes, what you see as a ā€œtemplateā€ in most work management like Wrike, ClickUp, Notion, etc.

@mdubakov explained here how you can set this up so that when you create a new Entity in a type, with actions set up in the drop down a lot of attributes so basically it exists as a Template:

However, Iā€™d support the addition of being able to simply take an Entity as it is, save it as a ā€œtemplate,ā€ then have an easily accessible ā€œ+ā€ to recreate a blank version of that Entity again and again as an Template. This is what most apps do, and what most more novice users are expecting. It is hard to ask a non-admin to fall back on actions to create a template - just too technical for most.

Thanks for listening!


Just to be totally clear on what youā€™re requesting, I guess you mean a ā€œtemplateā€ that puts in some preset/default values for one or more of the Fields, along with the Rich Text templates that you can already do? (AFAIK) If so I would almost call those ā€œpresetsā€ or something, rather than ā€œtemplateā€.

I ask because the term ā€œtemplateā€ is, aside from its use in a Rich Text Field context, basically what a Type already does: every Entity has the same Fields. Obviously thatā€™s not what you mean, so Iā€™m curious to know specifically. If you have one or more examples of situations where youā€™d use this and how, thatā€™s even better.

Hey, you just took a ton of time to respond to my posts, thatā€™s valiant, appreciated! I will try to respond to some of your other points soon, but in response to this:

What I mean is you can have values on those various fields in the Type pre-filled with one of the variables - assignee, status, etc. etc. and some Rich Text values if need be. It is just much more intuitive in a range of other apps such as Wrike, Clickup, Hive which we are talking about elsewhere, Notion, etc. etc.

Here is a great example of one of the more basic ways this is done via Asana:

It is just easier for the ā€œrank and fileā€ user of Fibery that I intend to have in my team when it expands, vs. trying to do it with actions and other more technical ways. It is just very easy to fill in an Entity the way you want, hit a button of ā€œcreate template,ā€ then have it ready in a menu to create with a ā€œ+ā€ when you need it.

Hope that answers your questions! I hope to see this one day in Fibery, although I realize it might not be a priority now. But most all other work management tools have this in the way Iā€™m describing, so would expect it at some pointā€¦



Yep, that helps. And itā€™s about what I assumed you meant, but I wanted to sure, rather than just assume. :wink:

It looks like people are using the :white_heart: to indicate their interest, so I am going to skip the idea of a poll, and just rely on counting the love :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Grouping of Apps and Entities

You could have a checkbox field that indicates that an entity is a template, and use a view filtered to show only template entities.
You can then use the Duplicate option for any of these templates, and have an automation rule that clears the checkbox when an entity is created.


Sorry it took so long, but thanks @Oshyan


Fantastic, thank you! Sorry I dropped the ball on experimenting with it further myself, but Iā€™m glad you decided to take it up yourself and itā€™s much appreciated. :pray:

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This resonates with me. I remember when I first used Fibery how I was trying to replicate databases. Today I screenshot workflow stages and field from a database in one space to create a similar database; but it is a painful workaround

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If you wanted to replicate a database, what you could do is to share a space as a template, rename that space, and then import the shared template. This will get you a clone of the space (which you can name to whatever you like, allowing you to revert the name of the original).
Obviously, this would replicate all databases in that space, which might be more than you need, but you can delete those you donā€™t.
And any databases (inlcuding the newly-created ones) can always be moved between spaces if need be.

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A hard one :slight_smile: What about something like QuickBooks? :slight_smile: