October 3, 2024 / 🍁 Quick filters on relation and embedded views, Clean email body, Automations Script AI Assistant, and more

In today’s release we added several improvements to recently released features and made a first step to AI Automations assistant. This is the recent feedback we’ve got from one our customer and it generated a lot of dopamine for our team, just want to share it with you as well.

I’m deeply impressed by the technical design of Fibery — you guys seem to make excellent trade-offs and design decisions, preferring to add more powerful & simple higher-level abstractions, rather than special-case features. It’s hard to do this well: there are complex interactions between all the various abstractions/functionality, across both the front-end UX and back-end at once, and your team seems to do a fantastic job of this.

Now let’s get back to the release :maple_leaf:.

Quick filters on relation and embedded views

Special for @Nevil_Hulspas

Now you can pin filters on relation and embedded Views. It may help to reduce amount of Views you create, but in relation views it will also increase visual noise, so use it carefully!

Email Integration: cleanup email body

Special for @ccollins

Email Integration cleanups emails body now, and it looks way better: spacing, images, tables, etc.

Before and After:

Automations Script AI Assistant

Special for @Matt_Blais and @Illusory

This is the the fist step towards AI-assisted Automations setup. Now you can generate Scripts in automations using AI prompts. For example, let’s generate a script to close all tasks related to a product:

Here are some prompts examples to spark your creativity:

  • Add tasks with following names to feature: “Design”, “Implementation”, “Testing”.
  • Move all tasks to the final state
  • Move all non-completed features to new sprint with name of “Sprint X Split”
  • Post product entity as JSON to https://SOME_URL
  • Add tasks descriptions to description of a feature

You can use AI to learn Scripts and write them faster. In most cases it is way faster to start with an incorrect script and fix some errors than type everything from scratch.

:fried_shrimp: NOTE: Scripts are not always correct, they can have mistakes, so please review them carefully.

Try to generate some scripts and share your crazy good (or crazy bad :sweat_smile:) examples.

Prompt: Extract all tasks from the current product and send them as a JSON array to Zapier webhook


const fibery = context.getService('fibery');
const http = context.getService('http');

// Get the IDs of the current entities (products)
const productIds = args.currentEntities.map(entity => entity.id);

// Fetch all tasks related to the current products
const tasks = await fibery.executeSingleCommand({
    "command": "fibery.entity/query",
    "args": {
        "query": {
            "q/from": "PdM/Task",
            "q/select": ["fibery/id", "PdM/Name", "PdM/Description"], // Adjust fields as necessary
            "q/where": ["in", ["PdM/Product", "fibery/id"], "$productIds"],
            "q/limit": "q/no-limit"
        "params": {
            "$productIds": productIds

// Send tasks as a JSON array to Zapier webhook
const response = await http.postAsync('https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/your_zap_id/', {
    body: tasks,
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

return `${tasks.length} tasks sent to Zapier webhook`;

Use Formulas in Append/Overwrite/Prepend Rich Text actions

Special for @YvetteLans

Now you can use formulas in Append/Overwrite/Prepend rich text actions in automations.

Whiteboard Improvements

Special for @Renato_Carvalho and @Mircea_Braescu

  • Holding Shift modifier key while moving an item on the board, should keep the item sticky to the X or Y axis
  • New shapes: Pill, Quote and Attention

:butterfly: Improvements

Special for @Michel_Daviot

  • Now you can change the cardinality of a relation field from many to one. This simplifies correcting cardinality errors without needing to create a new field. An error message will prompt you to clean up data if multiple entities are linked.
  • Multiple Views switcher moved to a tab row (when Views are pinned)

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Whiteboard:
    • If you delete a drawing and then undo, the text disappears :crying_cat_face:
    • Improve text padding for all shapes
    • Speed ​​up pan movement and sensitivity
    • It’s possible for read-only users to edit whiteboard via pasting objects
  • Embedded view toolbar in mobile mode glitches when navigating between popups
  • User with Creator access to DB can’t restore fields if he wasn’t the one who deleted it
  • Filter displayed as ON but data displayed is for OFF state
  • Batch operations are not available for DB-level Creators on Database settings screen
  • Returning a value from a Button script does not work with “Ask User to provide value”

With :blue_heart: and care, your Fibery Team.

P.S. If you want to write a comment, don’t hold yourself.


So happy to see this! :heart_eyes: (this is a special for me as well) :pray:
Perhaps this should be updated? 🤖 Feature Request: AI Generation for Scripts

Will be using this 100%!

This was a major hinderance so glad to see this improvement as well.


Fixed. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Ooh, this is probably my favorite thing this week, even though I also love embedded quick filters. :slight_smile:

This makes me think of other pain points I often run into when things need to change after the fact. I’m sure they’re completely unrelated under the hood, but could you allow similar “cardinality changes” to the following as well?

  • Changing read-only “auto link” relation fields back into editable “regular” relation fields.
  • Changing decimal number fields back into whole number fields (would have to round to closest whole number)
  • Changing a broken lookup fields back into functioning lookup/formula fields. I thought lookups were essentially just formulas (and formulas can be updated) but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Currently the entire lookup field becomes completely useless when a referenced field is deleted when ideally we could just update the field mapping.

Found bug in pinned quick filters.

If you duplicate them, even if you change the name/values, they all get toggled on/off together when they should be independent from each other.

Very happy about the AI Automations Assistant and the Rich Text Formulas! :partying_face:

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Reproduced, we will fix it soon. Thanks for reporting!

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I fully agree! You guys are doing such a great job and the latest UI improvements are so helpful!

This release is really insane :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Love it!

This also solves a lot for us :partying_face::partying_face:

Can’t wait to unlock all possibilities with ChrisGPT :exploding_head:

This is indeed very helpful!

Thank you so much!

Really love it since it looks clean. But is there a way to visually show that there are more views pinned? Before I could see all 6 pinned views. Currently I only see 4.

We use those views a lot to sort information differently (i.e. prio / deadline / status).


Great release, as a non-coder the AI scripting is exciting! Especially since I’ve been learning to code with the help of AI recently and have been really impressed by what it allows one to do. I also love that you guys are calling out specific user’s who requested/care about features implemented. Very cool.


We will see what we can do, but I also recommend to think about quick filters, maybe they can reduce amount of views. For example, Open Tasks / All Tasks can be replaced with All Tasks with Open filter

I love waking up on Thursday mornings … it mean’s fresh fibery improvements!

This doesn’t address @YvetteLans’s concern but, I was actually wondering if it makes sense to only show the “unpinned” views in the drop-down:

I know this menu is also used to manage the views so understand that it might not be possible. However, I think it might make things cleaner if you didn’t repeat things. Perhaps the management of pinned views could just be done on the tabs themselves? Just a thought.

It does actually :slight_smile: Since my only ask is “can you please show all pinned views”.

We’ve pinned them for a reason, now you only see 4 of the 6 pinned views.

Yes I agree. But it’s a lot of manual work to also fix that for the clients that we’ve already onboarded. And it doesn’t really move the needle since the UI was pretty good before the release of today.

Two rows of Views in this place is visually very heavy, we can’t keep it :slight_smile:

I can understand. Although I personally think that it’s up to the Fibery creator. If it’s visually too heavy, then create less views or pin less of them.

And sometimes speed & a real dummy proof UI is better than a slick design.

I just tried the filters. Although I personally like it a lot, I do think that it can be hard for some users to distinguish which view is on and off. The ‘tabs’ are really clear IMO.

Maybe a count after ‘all views’ so they can see there are actually more than 4 views?

(PS. we mostly create views to sort information, not to filter. We do have ‘my’ views and ‘team’ views but further we create views to sort on status / prio / deadline)

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AI for Automation Scripts!!! :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

Already helped me solve a complicated (for me) script that I could not get to work. Wasn’t 100% right, but it was close enough I could see the logic much more clearly and clean it up myself. Done in ~20 minutes :muscle:

Fully realizing this is a bit of “if you give a mouse a cookie”, already have some requests:

  • Cmd+Z to quickly undo the script generation. Maybe not so common of a need since presumably you are starting from scratch, but I had my own non-working script and I wanted to blow it all up and see if AI prompt could do the job. My prompt wasn’t great and to ignore the AI generated result but keep my non-working script, had to exit the automation editor without saving changes and then re-open. tl;dr would be nice to just undo an AI script result.
  • Somewhat relatedly, my first impulse was to use a prompt asking for a fix to my existing script. That didn’t work at all. Guessing it’s not set up to interact with any existing scripts in the script editor. No idea how feasible it would be to have interaction with any existing scripts in the editor, but that would be super useful.



Some requests for the pinned views…

There’s no way to change the order of the pinned views, since it just follows the order the filters were made.

Can you add the ability to reorder filters, just like you recently added the ability to reorder rules and buttons?

Also, could you allow saved/pinned filters to be applied via url?


Great release with amazing improvements! :slight_smile:

This one, I have to say is my favourite, tho! :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice new shapes too! :green_heart:

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We will add “3 more” to make it clearer


We will support Cmd+Z for generated scripts with next release, thanks for reporting this!
It will be a bit clunky, as we set “//generating” text in editor while ai is working, but anyway you will be able to revert to previous script, just need to press cmd+z twice :slight_smile: