October 10, 2024 / đŸ„Ą Search in basic text/email/phone Fields, People Field, Space Setup 2.0, and more

Awesome to see the assignment/user field get streamlined, it always bothered me. :slight_smile:

As per usual, my favorite update is the one I wasn’t expecting
 Having “open in new panel” as an option is incredibly helpful!

Sometimes I want to change the order of the panels though, or look at 2 specific panels side by side without having to close the one that is in between them. Could you add a “Switch side” or “Shift panel left/right” option to the panel actions menu?

It’s probably unrelated to the logic used in the global search, but in the relation view search, could you add the ability to search the “name” of any field related/referenced to the entities?

I’ve requested this before here but never got a response so not sure if it’s a realistic/viable ask.

I do really like it, it just little overwhelming (maybe because I have a lot of databases) that the levels need to be expanded collapsed independently from each other. My suggestion is to auto expand the submenu for each database as well as auto collapse any database that isn’t the active one so you can only really be editing one database at a time. Or maybe this is finally the moment an “expand/collapse all levels” action gets prioritized? :crossed_fingers:

Also, now that views menu is a little more streamlined and cohesive with the rest of the space/database settings, can there be an option for dedicated views to not be automatically listed within the space in the left sidebar? 95% of the time we use a dedicated view, it’s for a one-time use case or something I would be happy to favorite/bookmark to easily find later, but I don’t want to have them clutter up our left menu. Even if it is a view I know I will use again later, I usually delete it because I don’t want users getting confused by things in the menu that aren’t particularly relevant to them.