July 15, 2021, 10:41am
It is possible to create as many relationships to the User type as you want, each with is own name (and meaning).
Unfortunately, a basic user relationship doesn’t have the same functionality as the Assignment extension (e.g. notification, permissions etc).
You can read some related discussions here
For what it’s worth, I realised after writing, that one can link Users either with the Assignment extension or just by using a normal entity Relationship. If limiting to max one user is desirable, the latter method (defining as many-to-one or one-to-one) is useful. The Assignment extension seems to be fixed as ‘many-to-many’.
I think there’s still lots of value in being able to set constraints on relationships (min/max count or based on filters).
and here
Hi guys,
I was interested in creating the equivalent functionality of “watcher” that is offered by a lot of PM apps around their tasks and entities. This is a user who is “subscribed” to an entity’s activity - so they are informed when any status changes, fields are adjusted, comments are made, and so forth.
Can I use the “assignment” extension to create this functionality? Or would I need to do this another way if that extension needs to be reserved for only actual assignees?
Thanks guys!
Also, there’s an extended disussion about users and their functionality here
There is this special app to manage people, but this is currently inherently linked to having a Fibery account. This means that I can’t reference people effectively without rebuilding a completely parallel type for People that links to the official People type, which then creates confusing duplicate information.
I should be able to add as many people as I want without having to invite them with some permission level to use the service at this time. We are building this out with a small team (4)…