any way to count checkbox in rich text ?
I got periodic entity for each day and in rich text i got a lot of checkbox to checking some several habits
Ex: 2023-Sep 06 Entity
Habit 1: Running 5km pace 5.0
Habit 2: Reading 30 pages book…
So with this count checkbox in rich text, at the end of each week i can summary how many times this habit have been done ?
do we have way can set template with button
Ex: Button with embed existed habits entities
[[Habit 1: Running]]
[[Habit 2: Reading]]
then we can you formula field to reference count, can we implement like that ? @Chr1sG
You seem to have a script that gets the db ID, but you’re not doing anything with it (!)
You may want to output it to the browser console, e.g. console.log(dbID) to see if it looks reasonable, and then you can use it in your markdown template.