Definitely would require some javascript magic
Docs are here: . | Fibery
Here’s a Button script that scans through a Rich Text to find all references to Users.
Note that there is a bunch of additional code that’s not related to your specific needs.
// Create Call Log (and Call Log Entries) from Attendees info in entity Description
const CALL_LOG_TYPE = 'Users/Call Log'
const CALL_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE = 'Users/Call Log Entry'
const ENTRIES_FIELD = 'Call Log'
const CLIENTS_FIELD = 'Clients'
const fibery = context.getService('fibery')
const assert = (condition, msg) => { if(!condition) throw new Error(msg) }
for (const entity of args.currentEntities) {
const client = entity['Client']
const descriptionSecret = entity['Description'].Secret
const content = await fibery.getDocumentContent(descriptionSecret, 'md')
const text = find_H_content(2, content, 'ATTENDANCE')
const users = text.match( /(?<=\[\[#@)[0-9a-f/-]{70,}.*/g )
//console.log('UserIds: ' + users.join('\n'));
const mtgDate = findTopH1MtgDate(content)
// Create the Call Log
const callLog = await fibery.createEntity(CALL_LOG_TYPE, {
'Meeting Notes': entity.Id,
'Date': mtgDate,
'Name': client.Name + ' - ' + mtgDate
await fibery.addCollectionItem(CALL_LOG_TYPE, callLog.Id, CLIENTS_FIELD, client.Id)
// Create and link a Call Log Entry for each attendee user
for (const u of users) {
const m = u.match( /^([0-9a-f/-]{70,})\s*(.*)/ )
if( !m ) continue
const uid = m[1].replace( /^.+?\//, '' ) // remove Type Id
let status = null // default status
if (m[2]) {
status = m[2].match( /\by|[✅☑✔]/i ) ? 'Attended' :
m[2].match( /\bn|[❌✖❎]/i ) ? 'No-Show' :
m[2].match( /\bc/i ) ? 'Canceled' :
const fields = { 'Call Log': callLog.Id, 'User': uid }
if(status) fields['Status'] = status
const entry = await fibery.createEntity(CALL_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE, fields)
// Find and return the text content of the named H-section (level=2 means H2, etc)
function find_H_content(level, content, title) {
const regex = new RegExp(`^#{${level}}[^#]\\s*\\W*\\s*${title}([\\s\\S]*?)\\n#{1,${level}}[^#]`, "ims")
const m = content.match(regex)
assert( m, `Did not find "${title}" H${level} section` )
return m[1]
function findTopH1MtgDate(content) {
try {
const d = content.match(/^# (.*MEETING.*)/i)[1]
return new Date(d).toISOString().substr(0,10)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('Could not find Meeting H1 with Date in Meeting Notes')