Is it possible to create a notification in an automation that includes a hyperlink?
You can use markdown
For example here is syntax we use for sending notification to Slack about new features added
:new: :large_green_square: Feature <{{Public Id}}|{{Name}}> created by {{Created By.Name}}
In-app notifications don’t support hyperlinks
Why the limitation here? I hope to see this change in the future.
Not implemented
Side question: I’d love to hear examples of how people plan (and adjust on the fly) their days in Fibery. I have task entities and meeting entities that I put on the calendar, some of which are synced from Google Calendar, and it’s full of friction given the limitations of the current calendar view and it is my dream for this to be further developed, in particular if I can drag task entities from any view (like a board or a list) directly onto a calendar view, thereby scheduling them.