Filtered view when insert on page

We would love to be able to filter a view that is embedded on a document/page. Currently, if the filter is set, it is applied globally, not within the document/page. :slight_smile:

Currently, any view embedded in a document is a view that already exists somewhere else (i.e. it is not ‘owned’ by the document).
If you need a filter to be applied solely when embedding the view in a document, then you’ll need to create a specific view for this purpose, I’m afraid.

At some point in the future, it is possible (likely?) that there will be the option to create views from within a document, such that the view is ‘owned’ by the document.


Looking for this feature as well, found my way here :wave:

Since this topic was started, embedded views ‘owned’ by the document are now possible.
Just type << followed by the name you want to give the view, choose the type of view you want to create, and a new view is created. The view is unique to the document and can be configured however you like.

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