Embed-specific filters

When embedding a view in a document, I’d like to be able to have embed-specific filters and sorting (akin to the personal filters).

For example: I’d like to have a single glossary table somewhere but then embed specific topic-specific glossaries across different pages. Folders can do some of that, but on Documents this will be very helpful.


When you want to embed a view, you can choose an existing view (one already showing in the left menu) or you can create a new view that will be ‘owned’ by the document. In the latter case, it can have its own specific filters.
Just type << , choose a view type, give the view a name, and you can create a new embedded view.

Thanks @ChrisG, I guess that’s true.

That said, I’m just no fan of duplication, where modifiers can do the same. Because if the source view changes with different info, other fields or other sorting), then all the duplicates won’t update. :nerd_face:

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Could you please DM me I’m looking for some help building the system for my business and I saw you have knowledge in this software

Hey @Esteban_Canizares
I’d recommend reaching out via the chat and booking a call where we can help get you started :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Chr1sG,

Thank you for your recommendation. However, I want to clarify that I’m not just looking to start using the program, but rather I’m looking for an expert who can create the solutions I need. I’m willing to pay for this service as I’m currently using ClickUp. Can you please let me know if this is possible and how we can proceed?

Esteban Canizares

No worries. We can definitely offer help creating/configuring your workspace, but if you need ongoing, deep support, you could consider reaching out to one of our partners.
Scroll down here and you’ll see who’s out there.