[DONE] View of images in Board View

I know this is “done”, but before I make a new feature request (as a prior one has been removed for some reason), I do think it makes sense to have a separate “Gallery” or “Grid” view. Kanban/Board requires some data to establish number of rows/columns (i.e. referencing fields), and it makes sense to me to have a simpler view that just shows a specified number of columns with rows as-needed for the number of items in the view. Perhaps alternative/ideally just specify the size of the image thumbnail and the columns auto-adjust to the view…

Anyway just wanted to confirm this is a separate feature request that is worth having before I make it. Oh wait, there is a request for it! And apparently someone is interested in such a view even without image support. :smile: If we go with this existing task I think I’d want to rename it to be clearer, the description there even points out the Airtable “Gallery” view as an example.