I was thinking about this today.
I conceptualized a simple button (though I agree shortcuts are great - I just do those at an OS level).
I think this is “weirdly missing” for users - particularly those - who are trying to use Fibery as a tool or a PKM and/or really using the document/rich text field methodology (looking like Coda or Obsidian or Notion) - or note taking (OneNote, Evernote) vs. those who are building stuff and/or using it more on the database level (ala airtable) or an app builder or the like.
Fibery personally resonates with me on a “more robust than Notion” level - “way more robust than google docs” level - and an amazing way to view relations and database functionality in a visual, visually-appealing way. Some supposedly think better visually and clearly I am in that camp.
So coming from using the first category of tools it’s especially jarring because you can navigate through the program (like you’re in a note-taking tool) and often not intuitively grasp how to create a note.
I realized it boils down to this (for me at least):
If I’m in Obsidian or OneNote I always know where the ‘+’ or ‘create note’ button is, whereas when navigating through Fibery - for those trying to use it this way (and maybe others not so much using it this way) - it is confusing because there is no one place to always go when you want to create something.
Views have it:
But “document looking” entities and documents don’t:
Also, though less important, the admin area doesn’t either:
All of those things have APPROXIMATELY the same space, so putting a button (anywhere up top right - but ideally always to the far right next to the ellipses & X would be ideal).
So it would be like this: + | … | x
Or, instead of just + it could have the actual button which is awesome but perhaps too complicated for a first or second implementation:
And the beauty of that is they are always going to be the same character width on every screen regardless of underlying content.
A ‘+’ at the bottom left navigation bar could also work, particularly if stays visible even if you hide the navigation. Not as good IMO, but if I recall correctly Obsidian had it there.
A button at the top left (by logo) could work, too. Again, not as good IMO.
Any always seen button that is as close as possible to always in the same place is a win. The following as options are already in place:
Perhaps you could add a second highlighted area under AI View (beta) that looks a bit differently and says Entity - and then does anything - a popup, a new page, frankly anything better than nothing at all.
As a first step the above seems quite doable. What you do as a second and third step could be better and more sophisticated.
In the short term you can use this solution:
Create a New Folder or Document called - + View
Create a New Smart Folder called - + Entity