I have been using Fibery to run meetings, where I take notes, convert notes into Tasks, Issues, etc. However, I find that I don’t convert text to entities as often as I’d like due to the amount of time it takes. While it is reasonably quick, when you are running a meeting it ends up causing a lot of waiting. Here is a summary of the issues I’ve noticed.
One issue I have is just that the most common type of entity I create in meetings are Tasks, but even though the Task type is part of my Meetings app, it isn’t recommended as one of the first options. It seems like it is ordered alphabetically by app, then type, then Fibery types at the end. This ordering doesn’t bubble up the most likely to be used types.
Too Many Options
There are types that I have created that are helpers for other types and wouldn’t be something I’d typically want to create from a meeting. It would be nice if we could limit the entities that can be created in the rich text per Type. So, my Meetings type would have certain types that don’t make sense, but it might be ok for other Types.
Too Many Clicks
Another related issue to sorting is just that all of the types you can convert the text into are treated equally, even though you are more likely to be creating a small number of them. In each of these cases you have to highlight the text, choose create entity, then choose the type, then hit create. If there was quick actions or a menu of often used or configured options added directly to the menu bar, you could in many cases eliminate a couple steps.
So, we’d go from 1) Highlight, 2) Click Create Entity, 3) Choose type, 4) Click create to 1) Highlight, 2) (in many cases) Click Create Task (or whatever else is important). If you needed to create any other entity, then you’d just fall back to the current behavior
Instead of:
It could be something like: