[✔️ DONE] Easier quick add of Entity

Hi guys,

I continue to have some issues with the usability in Fibery in being able to add entities easily across the app. Some points here:

  • If a table starts to contain too many entities, it’s a big awkward to add a new task. Granted, with “shift” + “enter” you can “jump” to the bottom of the list to add a new entity, but this is a bit of a funny navigation I think - it seems much more intuitive to be able to add at the top of the list.

  • With Boards and other views besides tables, you guys have the nice “buttons” that are in various areas to add the Entity of a given type.

However, again if that board gets filled, that button is not visible unless you navigate down through a Board to find it. Here again an ability to add in right when you access the board would be very helpful.

This is very similar to this suggestion, too:

And just to add further context, @mdubakov were you suggesting here:

"Big" button to add entity - #2 by mdubakov

that you have an idea to allow quick entry of any Entity anywhere as a function of the “ctrl” + “K” shortcut? That would definitely do the trick, too!

Thanks guys!


@B_Sp We have this in plans. Not sure when it will be done though.

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Michael, great, that’s really all I was hoping to find out!

In case it’s useful to the community, the way I’m handling this now is to simply “Star/favorite” a table in the App of the types of entities I’d like to quick add most often, like bugs. You guys automatically default focus to the top row and first column, so I can hit “cmd” and “enter” with no need to further click the mouse. This lets me add an entity very quickly, then hit “space” and edit it. Further, I will sort by “date created” - a very useful field type you guys added not long ago - and the table will sort by most recent at the top. So all that helps to get close to a “quick add and view” functionality.

Oh and by the way, as a junkie of productivity apps, both Wrike and Todoist come to mind as tools that actually don’t let you sort newly-added tasks by “most recently created” !! And you guys have this seemingly simple feature already in the books!

Thanks again!

This is where the slack integration has helped us. You can create any entity. Also plenty of places to create them but agree not entirely visible.

Would be great if the slack integration would show a modal with more inputs (see one of my feature requests!)


Quick add will work from Actions console when we’ll implement it, like this:


Great @mdubakov thanks for the update, eager to see this live when you guys are able to get it to production, looks like a great solution!

Hi Michael,

this is a very convenient feature for power users (who will most likely choose keyboard over mouse) - ClickUp has a very thorough implementation of slash commands and action console.

Looking forward to see your take on this!



Quick Add is implemented. Check it here