We use a lot of templates for description fields. Only problem that occurs now is that we can’t use a formula when we want to append to a rich text field.
It’s only possible with the ‘append/prepend’ function. But if you use that, all call out blocks and other cool stuff will be gone.
That’s why we currently use a script so that we can have the html content
const fibery = context.getService('fibery');
for (const destination of args.currentEntities) {
const source = await fibery.getEntityById('DB automatiseringen en templates/Template - Omschrijving', destination['Template voor omschrijving']['Id'], ['Omschrijving']);
const sourceContent = await fibery.getDocumentContent(source['Omschrijving']['Secret'], 'html');
await fibery.appendDocumentContent(destination['Omschrijving']['Secret'], sourceContent, 'html');
Would be great if we don’t need this script anymore.
(If you use the update function + a formule, you will get an exact copy of the rich text field. But it will always overwrite the description field, never append)