Sep 26, 2024 / 🐡 Share Database, Quick filters in Views, Slack Bot improvements, and more

In today’s release you will find some major improvements to permissions and views. Some enterprise products get away with quarterly updates like this, but this is just a weekly update for us :sweat_smile:. We collect almost all feedback and prioritize accordingly. This chart shows accumulated “value” based on your feedback by our weekly releases. Today’s release just hit the new record.

:blowfish: Share Database

Sometimes sharing an Entity is not enough and sharing a Space is too much — that’s when sharing a Database comes in handy. Here are a few use cases when it’s most useful.


Create without seeing everything

You’d like people to create stuff and have access to it without seeing the stuff of other people:

  • IT support tickets: employees should be able to create and see their Tickets (e.g. “Configure a printer”) without seeing the Tickets of others.
  • Leads: a sales rep should be able to collect new Leads into a Database (e.g. for future outreach) without seeing all of the Leads.
  • Vacations: employees should be able to add Vacations, Sick Leaves, and Overtimes without necessarily seeing everyone else’s.

Previously, you had to work around the problem with forms, which made for a miserable user experience. Now you can simply share the relevant Database using Submitter access template and enable automatic access via Created By Field.

Create inside a particular parent

The same mechanism applies when you share a hierarchy via a custom access template:

  • Product and its Epics, Features, and Stories;
  • Project and its Tasks;
  • Client and their Contacts.

If you’d like people not just to edit linked Epics but also to create new ones, add them as Submitters of the Database. They will be able to create Epics in the Products they have access to as well as “orphan” Epics. If parentless Entities become an issue for you, please let us know.

Edit only some Databases in a Space

There are some Databases in a Space that require a more careful approach to permissions:

  • Software Development: developers should be able to create and edit Stories and Bugs, but not Sprints and Releases — those are reserved for managers.
  • Vacations: everyone should be able to create Vacations, Sick Leaves, and Overtimes, but not Public Holidays.

In this case, share the Space with everyone using a less powerful access template (e.g. Viewer) — and then share the selected DBs with the privileged people using Editor template.

Feedback needed :ear:

Tell us about your use cases that finally became possible with Database sharing (so we can brag on Twitter) and those that are still out of reach (so we can improve the product).

Known issues and missing things:

  • It will take search ~24 hours to fully recognize Entities shared via their parent Database — starting from Saturday, it should work instantly.
  • Group support is coming to Entity and Database sharing later this year — meanwhile, sorry for the extra clicks.

:dolphin: Quick filters in Views

Now you can create Quick Filters in all top level views (Table, Board, Timeline, Calendar, List).

Just create a filter or a filter group and pin it.


  • Only Creators can pin filters, but all users can, well, use them.
  • Emojis make pinned filters better, use them wisely!

🪼 Disable/Enable Filters in Views

Now you can disable/enable filters and filter groups in all Views. It may be handy to quickly turn filter off to find some information and then bring it back.

:squid: Slack Bot improvements

In this release we gave some love to Fibery Slack Bot.

Now you can create entities in Fibery via Slack Bot and save large messages in rich text fields (note that if you have several rich text fields in a database, the field to save the message will be selected by pure luck).

Set one of the Fibery Workspaces as primary

Sometimes companies have multiple Fibery Workspaces and a single Slack workspace. In this situation Fibery Slack Bot could work only with one Fibery Workspace. Now Slack user can set default Fibery Workspace in Slack using the following command:

/fibery set-default-workspace [workspace_name]

If you want to see what Workspace is default use /fibery me command, it will return something like this:

Workspace: (default)
User: Michael Dubakov

Finally, Slack Bot works with any amount of databases in your workspace now when you try to create an entity from Slack (previously 100 databases were :skull:). Please note that filter by database is not very consistent, this is Slack limitation we can’t overcome.

:parrot: Automations: copy rich text fields content from one entity to another

It was not possible to copy rich text fields from one entity to another in automations without scripting. Now you can do it easily!

All Rich Text fields are available in Create/Update actions, and you can fill them via Formula, AI call or Markdown template.

For example, here we update Description of a Public Roadmap Item when Feature’s Description changes:

We’ve also added Formula and AI indicators for fields to make them clearer and access faster.

Data source filters for historical reports

Now it is possible to filter historical data in reports. It usually speeds up reports dramatically. Note that filters are by current values only, so set filters wisely to not filter out important data. For example, if you create a report for a Release and want to know what entities were moved out to another release, do not filter by Release then, since these entities will not be included.

Whiteboard: Change object order

Sometimes, an object on your board may overlap others, making it difficult to view what’s underneath. Alternatively, an object might be hidden behind others. Now you can adjust the stack order of your object to bring it forward or send it backward on the board.

  • Bring to front: shift object all the way to the front of the stack, on top of all other objects.
  • Bring forward: shift object forward one stack position.
  • Send backward: shift object back one stack position.
  • Send to back: shift object all the way to the back of the stack, below all other objects.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • ClickUp integration: Now you can filter by Folder in Lists inside selected Spaces
  • Now you can embed Views from Public Spaces, shared Entities and shared Documents via iframe. Make sure to use ?no-menu in the URL to hide the left menu and make it cleaner. For example, you can try to embed our Public Roadmap
  • When you posted a link to Fibery entity to Slack or other system, it also included an advert, like “Build your company workspace with no code”. No more!

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Slack Bot: Only types with create permissions should display in the error in slackbot if there are several types with the same name in the workspace
  • “Db not found” screen blinking for a moment when deleting last database in a space
  • It’s possible to select database more than once in the same Smart Folder
  • Whiteboard:
    • When connected a line between two shapes in whiteboard, if deleted a shape, it’s not possible to remove the connection line like the shot
    • The element selected line becomes thicker when zoomed in
    • Text on connection line disappears if convert object to entity and then undo
    • Shape returns to the wrong place in the stack after undeleting
  • Views:
    • Values duplication in relation filter
    • Views: Icon should be aligned with beginning of entity name
    • Display full relation view name after mouse leaves hover area

Share your feedback, emotions, and suggest improvements!
With :blue_heart:, Fibery Team.


BTW, you may follow is on twitter to track updates as well


WOW! What a release! :heart_eyes:


This is so nice!

We are facing the following situation in a lot of spaces:

  • User has the same access for almost every database in the space
  • But preferably not for 1 or 2 databases (since those databases contain sensitive data)

In my ideal world:

  • I have a UI on space level which shows me all databases with the granted access per database to users (or groups)
  • Then I would love to set database permissions per database
  • So that I can include/exclude databases per user (group) easily

Current situations when you have a space with 15 databases

  • Share 14 databases (one by one) with users
  • So that you can exclude one

(I think?)


A truckload of great updates. Can’t wait to put " Create inside a particular parent" to use.


What a Thursday to be alive!

Thank you ESPECIALLY for database sharing!

You guys are amazing. :star_struck:


Of course, as you guys create new solutions, come a set a new problems.

One of the biggest features missing with permissions is bulk operations. I presume permission sharing UI will change over time and hopefully allow for bulk updating, since having to share one space, database at a time is not ideal.

For example, you have a new hire and need to add them to specific databases. The ability to bulk update their permissions would be ideal. Maybe the ability to create global permission templates that can apply to multiple spaces and databases would be great. Or using entity groups to control access to spaces, databases and entities holistically. This way, you can simply create a group that has access to specific things and then relate them to the user.


It’s coming…


Missed that! Thanks :pray:

WHAT. AN. UPDATE! :heart:

The quick filters have immediate and tangible benefit.
Sharing a database feels like a foundational expansion that will be super useful once I wrap my head around it. Haven’t twiddled with permissions for a while but looks like something to do again at some point soon. :slight_smile:

And, I just realised that it’s only 2 months to Slow December. I’m very excited to hear what y’all do this time. :slightly_smiling_face:


So far I am not sure we will repeat Slow December. Too many things to do to make Fibery Simpler, more usable and more emotional.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Permissions in Fibery are hard to understand

Thanks for this release. I’ve found the quick filters with enable/disable filters are very helpful for me to manage large and medium views. It will also help me cut down on the number of views, which is really nice.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Append Rich Text fields in Update action in automations

These updates look great! I’m wondering if databases can be shared publicly. I can’t see that option currently. I have a colleague I’d like to give access to one of my databases but she’s not using it enough to justify creating a new user. Thanks for the great work!

I love this release :partying_face: :tada: :two_hearts:, and especially Pinned Filters! IMHO this unlocks so much UX power for complex work, roadmaps, planning, etc.

One small opportunity… a default setting of “Turn On” instead of “Turn Off”. It could feel almost semantic instead of solving a real thing, but I think it’d be valuable.

What gets displayed in different views is based on the Cards/Items database selections, which sets things as ‘always on’. Filters are an “always off” function. But “all things start visible” combined with “set some things temporarily as hidden” has some limitations.

What I propose is essentially default filter/item visibility, where some items/cards are initially “Off”, and the Filter function turns them on. Maybe this means adding a ‘default on/off’ state to filters with a corresponding action of “On” instead of the existing “Off”. In this way, the View loads with the filter always active - their default visibility state would be On - items are hidden - and when you click the Pinned Filter, you’re actually making those items become visible.

There’d need to be an indicator on the Pinned Filter element to show that it ‘turns on’ instead of off of course - maybe like an ‘eye open’ vs ‘eye closed’ icon to show state?

The fundamental use case for Filters in my mind goes like this: there’s some things that have a temporary “turn if off” context, but others that have a temporary “turn it on” context.

It’s coming

I was looking for this feature just yesterday. Thank you!

Blown Away GIFs | Tenor


Fully serious - this release is awesome.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again …

The speed with which you guys produce valuable updates and new features probably outpaces any other piece of software I’ve ever used.

(Coming from Clickup, where a feature like pinned filters would be “in the pipeline” for 3 years and then delivered a year later than promised… I exaggerate a little bit, but not much!)

Keep up the incredible work!