Currently, it’s not possible to search by fields. For instance, we have a Hiring app with Candidates. Two fields: Email, Phone. We can’t use search by these fields. That is super uncomfortable. We have to add email to the card and use CMD+F to find the person.
Agree the search needs some love.
As I input more and more data in Fibery, not being able to search properly become a very big pain point, one that prevent me to use Fibery with my team, and still as a PoC for now.
At minimum:
- full text search on all fields: will allow to search in email, url fields at least. Contrary to what stated here Add filter for "closed" entities in all searches (and/or other indicator of entity status) only name and rich text fields seems searchable
- filter types: multiple select / deselect types to restrict the search as expressed here Index comments in search - #2 by JMaynier
More advanced:
- select which types fields to use search: either global or only once a type has been selected.
- full-text search in comments: again allowing to activate/deactivate it
- complex filtering (graph oriented): full text search in collections (1 level or several?) of 1 or several entities (Search Scoping - "Search within Collection" - #3 by Jean)
- save some filtering settings as default: at least the deselection of certains types (for example the types used for attributes on relations) or exclude some entities based on fields value (typical example is workflow status closed Add filter for "closed" entities in all searches (and/or other indicator of entity status) - #9 by Simon_JB)
Analytical search:
- multiple search term/values based on field: boolean logic on fields search (a la Elasticsearch. GitHub - elastic/search-ui: Search UI. Libraries for the fast development of modern, engaging search experiences.)
Any updates on this?
I had a similar issue. Coming from Jira where the search language is quite robust, I was wondering about how to construct filters/searches in fibery that look into the activity history of an item. For example this would be a JQL query I might use to find issues completed by particular people within the last 2 weeks.
status changed from ("in progress", "open") to (done) by (604a0d4d2b3f9a006a5202f6, 6170774bb9c549006f7c7562) after startOfWeek(-2) ORDER BY priority DESC
I see how to construct filters in fibery based on current field values or dates, but not on past activity data.
@mdubakov @Polina_Zenevich do you have any updates or plans about the search? That is very important feature when you have many records. Our HR asks every week when we can do a search by email or other fields in the “CRM”.
So far we can’t provide any estimate unfortunately. Can HR use filter for this case? It will work quite good
Good idea, thanks! But please think about this.
This would be a great help.
I appreciate nothing is simple . We had a similar issue in some of the systems we build for customers.
To address this, before adding something into the index we munged together the text fields into a new indexable field. This meant that the index can be searched for any text.
Super helpful! Thanks @Matt_Blais !