CHANGELOG: May 25 / New formula editor, back navigation, copy link to entity

Last week we did not make a release, so this one accumulates two weeks achievements.

New formula editor

It was hard to create formulas. Now it is easier. Formula creation becomes a pleasant experience with the new formula editor: large panel, autocomplete, inline help and some examples:

Back navigation

It was hard to get back when you navigate between open entities. Now it is easy. We’ve introduced Back action inside entities with a short history to quickly return to the desired entity. Duh! Hard to explain, just check the gif below:

Copy entity URL

It was hard to share a link to the exact entity. Now it is easy. Just hover an entity id and click to copy a clean URL:

2020-05-25 09.59.08

Copy entity URL action is available in other places as well:

2020-05-25 10.00.43

Calendar and Timeline setup

It was hard to setup Calendar or Timeline View. It was not clear what dates to select, what fields have time, what is range and what is not. Now it is easy. Select a single option when it is a range and see all important information on date fields:

Here is the flow:

Whiteboard: Text instrument and Text formatting

It was impossible to annotate diagrams with text and select text formatting options: font, size, alignment. Now you can do it all.

Usability Testing App

Plan and execute usability tests and customer research via brand new Usability Testing App:


  • Invite People action added into Peoples area +
  • Timeline: Distance between cards when end day of one card = start date of another card
  • Make all text units (text+rich text) look like Name unit on the Timeline
  • New account registration process. Now we ask some questions and pre-setup some apps.

:shrimp: Fixed bugs

  • Fibery tab freezes for some reason. Reason found and fixed.
  • Impossible to re-install app from template after rename and deletion
  • Rows should span the whole width of the board