When adding or updating a field, all fields of all table views lose their column width that was manually set

When adding or updating a field, all fields of all table views lose their column width that was manually set.

Imagine having 10 table views of database X, and I modify or add a new field to database X, then upon returning to these table views, the column width of each field is reset to default, which is often the max width. This means that carefully adjusted widths of each column in each view, is instantaneously lost. This will cost the user extra time and effort to readjustment of 10 views x many fields.
This also means that an admin can disrupt the widths set by users with editor rights.

Especially with the introduction of rich text snippet fields, whenever any change happens to the database fields, the rich text snippet field will be reset in width to the maximum width, occupying the whole screen and beyond. But any other field like URL fields or fields containing more information will push itself to bigger width.

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