What happens when an integration is updated/expanded?

With my recent feature request for tag support in the Discourse integration, I started to wonder what would actually happen if this was added. I have the integration already enabled, and it has several Types that it created. Would a new Type for Tags just automatically be added if the team implemented that? Or would I need to re-setup the app or at least re-sync or something?

I think in the ideal case a message would pop-up for any updated integrations saying e.g. “We have added support for X new data/field/type/whatever. Would you like to sync this data as well? This will create X new type(s).” Although thinking about it now, if I recall, the existing integrations basically just require all their Types and Relations, right? Anyway, an update message just as notification of a change would be good regardless.

I’m fairly sure this has already come up before, I recall that some integrations have been expanded after initial release. But I don’t know how that was handled. Apologies if I missed some prior discussion here.

When new Types appear in Integration, you just can Edit integration Settings and mark this new Type with a checkbox. It’s safe.

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I see. But there is no way to know an Integration was updated, except by watching release notes, correct? Some in-app notification, not just of changes/releases (which does happen), but specifically for integrations that you already use seems like a good idea to me… But at least I know how to deal with it now. :smiley:

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