Now trying to use Discourse integration in production a forum with 1000 posts and 1500 users, and finding another limitation: no support for Tag Groups. The failure outcome is quite problematic, like: Sub-categories not synced in Discourse integration - Category becomes blank!. I.e. the tags just don’t show up when they’re in groups.
Please add Tag Group support to the integration as soon as possible!
This and lack of sub-category support are more or less dealbreakers for our forum in real-world use. You can’t expect us to reconfigure/restructure our entire forum just to make this work. And so, as I mentioned in another thread about the Discourse integration limitations: have you considered that the reason the Discourse integration is not much used is it’s just kind of broken for real-world use-cases? OK, OK, I know Fibery team itself uses it, but then… you’re not the most sophisticated users of Discourse, it must be said (no disrespect intended!). Though I’m still actually mystified that the lack of sub-category support hasn’t been solved since you yourselves use them…
In practice many real-world teams that actually use Discourse would not be able to properly make use of the integration to manage their work, e.g. Figma (tag groups), Airtable (tag groups + sub-categories), etc. Actually, I wonder if @karthikk_vijay is still around: RemNote uses sub-categories and I’m curious if this has been a problem for them, or if they just didn’t end up adopting Fibery.
In any case I hope this and sub-category support can be addressed sooner than later. I know they’re not overall priorities, but my sense is they should not be a lot of work, so hopefully they can be wedged into a release in the near future…