Video game studio hoping that Fibery is the solution!

Hey @Louis-Felix!

Sounds intriguing and good luck with your test.

As I noticed you have a lot of use of Rich Text, I wanted to draw your attention to this request that a lot of us are supporting. Would you guys also have use of being able to see those Rich Text fields in a Table view, since you’ll have a lot of key info in them?

The way Fibery lets you customize how many Rich Text fields you have in an entity, and how you name them, is one of the best features I think.


Hi @B_Sp :slight_smile:

Yes! That would really help us to visualize every attributes and their values inside a Table view :slight_smile:

Otherwise, we have to open every entity to see the tables we create inside the Rich text fields, and it’s really bad to have an overview. But with the ability to do this, Fibery would even more be the solution!

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Hey @Borealys that’s great to hear! And sorry in my post to @Louis-Felix I neglected to provide the link to the request, here it is:

Feel free to have a look and see what you guys think about the topic, many of us have provided suggestions in there!

There is also a suggestion to get more Rich Text capability in the smaller “Text” fields as well, you might be interested:

Thanks again!

Okay here I am with the results of our little experiments and the comments of my programmers :

  • We could implement pretty much everything we’ve talked about : Creating a button that will create instances of models of other related types. Generating tables in RTF accordingly to relations to some Attribute’s entities and bind them with a spreadsheet. They looked over the API and everything is possible.
  • We would need for that to look into the model each time to see if there are any changes in the structure and relations compared to all the instances generated previously of the same model. Delete wath is not there anymore, rename if the ID is the same and still keep the values, add everything new.

The thing is that they warned me that it’s gonna be code hard to maintain since there is gonna be custom hard code for each model. So they concluded that they can make it happen, but they don’t recommend it since it’s more gonna be a pain than a time saver by the end of the day… :cry:

Anyway, I’ll put down into text what we would need for us to work effortlessly :

  1. Being able to create a “Meta” model which we could create instances of totally integrated and managed in Fibery.
  2. A better UI/UX to be able to see all relations fields at once and enter values.
  3. Really nice to have : Entity-level fields in addition to the Type-level fields, since at the atomic level of hierarchy (the entities at the bottom of a tree), they won’t have the same fields more than often in a systemic approach.

In conclusion, Fibery is so close to be the tool I have always dreamed about. There is a lot of things that I have in mind that will even enhanced it in a way other tools don’t do, but I will add those suggestions in an other thread. There is other stuffs that other tools are doing that if they were there would make me considering to switch my 80+ Wrike licenses to Fibery even if it’s not for systemic game design. Same thing for an other organization which I’m on the board and coach for project management. I’m kind of frustrated by the situation of it being so nice and not there yet. A little bit like a kid without money who want so much is yellow bike and always have to look at it each time he pass by the window of the store coming back from school :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, I’ll star new threads with my questions and suggestions. You are a great community btw, love to be part of it! :smiley:

Cheers! :beer:

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From following this thread, I get the feeling that this is the major challenge - getting Fibery to represent two levels:

  • the meta-model that describes the architecture of a given game design
  • the game design itself

Once that is achievable, I suspect that the remaining problems become much more tractable.

I think it would be possible to use Fibery to achieve this, but I suspect that it would require a fair bit of nicely designed scripting, whereby (at the push of a button) the meta-model data stored in fibery is used to create/sync the game-level types.
I am genuinely curious myself to see how easy/hard it is to achieve this functionality, so I may have a go at creating a demo app to satisfy myself that it is possible. If I succeed, I will of course post it in the community.


I think there are several of us who are feeling this quite a lot, and I believe it is because 1: we are early in the development of Fibery itself, and 2: We are even early in the development and maturation of the entire “no code” marketplace!

#2 is why no other app meets these needs better than Fibery yet either. They are all trying to do similar or related things, in different ways, Airtable, Coda, Notion, Fibery, and many more. None of them are “there” yet, and it is both exciting and frustrating to become aware of these tools this early in their development. Exciting because of the potential and how close some of them come to doing all we need, and frustrating of course because none of them quite do yet…

That said, for some (like me, I am lucky to say), the current abilities are good enough. For others like you, I hope as you say you will put in your feature requests to help encourage Fibery to become a tool that meets needs like yours. Of course game developer use at the level you are talking about is not Fibery’s core market at this point, so those feature requests may never be able to take priority. But if they have enough overlap with other more core market needs, it could happen. :slight_smile:

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So I tried…

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Oh wow! I’ll definitely take a look at it! Just went in a crunch back in November and never came back until now. Very sorry for the late reply! :frowning_face:

Cheers! :smiley: