Uniqueness constraints for Entities?

Is there a way to create uniqueness constraints for an Entity? For instance, I would like a Contacts DB where each contact’s email is unique/primary key, so that an automation that tries to create a new contact with an email that already exists should fail.

Or is there some trick i can use to get this effect?

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Fibery does not currently have validation rules (e.g. uniqueness, required fields, range-checking etc.)
You can implement automations that flag up violations, but there is no enforcement mechanism.


Is there a feature request for this? I feel like I saw one but can’t find it now.

Having a unique/primary key constraint for new entities is high up on my feature wishlist.

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You could define a Rule to flag “illegal” entities like so
(where ‘Pages’ is the DB, and ‘URL’ is the unique field):

It sets the violating entity’s name like so:

If( Pages.filter(URL = [Step 1 Page].URL).Count() > 1,
"**DUPLICATE** " + [Step 1 Page].Name,
[Step 1 Page].Name )

Has there been any progress on this request? Validation is vitally important to using this software in production. Without it, one can only rely on this as experimental or prototyping software.

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Have there been any changes regarding the validation of fields? Even just forcing users to fill in a field would be better than nothing. Any updates on this?

There is nothing to report, I’m afraid.