Unique values per assignee on a single number field?

AKA tracking time for multiple assignees on a single task?

In ClickUp, using their “Sprint Points” field, User A and User B can both set unique values that are only associated to them even though it’s a single field. It’s essentially how we do time/effort tracking. I can then use that field to know how much effort was put towards a task overall (Sum of all “Sprint Points” on Task A) as well as individually (“Sprint Points” per assignee on Task A).

Is there a way to do this in Fibery that is somewhat streamlined? It’s such a core part of my production team’s daily workflow and I’m nervous that increasing friction compared to what they’re used to will lead to missed/lazy and therefore inaccurate effort tracking.

What exactly are your databases and how are they related?
Is it Sprint → Tasks ←→ Users ?

It is possible to create a ‘User-Task’ database with a number field, where each entity corresponds to the intersection of User and Task.
The optimal implementation of a solution depends on what view(s) you & your colleagues spend most of your time in.
For example, when looking at a Sprint entity, you can configure the relation view for Tasks as a grid view with nested User-Tasks where users can edit the points values.

Essentially, we have:

Releases → Tasks (with “Points” field) ↔ User
Sprints ↔ Releases

Ideally on the Task view, the single “Points” field would have a unique value per user:

Task A (3 Points)

  • User 1 (2 Points)
  • User 2 (1 Point)

Does that make sense?

Do you mean the entity view for a given Task, or some data view that shows multiple Tasks?

Here’s how ClickUp does it:

and here’s how/where I’d like to do it in Fibery:

Ok, I read some of your time tracking documentation (How to Track Time with Fibery) a bit deeper and have been able to recreate this with the “Bonus Solution” concept at the bottom of that page. It technically works, but it’s a bit clunky to have to use another entity. I’ll try to sell it to our team though!

I’m not sure how you ended up doing it, but here’s what I would recommend:

Each Task has a collection field, called ‘Points per user’ which is a to-many relation to a database that looks like this:

In the relation view for the Subtasks, I have used a grid view showing (self-related) Tasks, and the ‘Points per user’ entities underneath:

Now, for each Task you can see who has assigned what points and also see this for Subtasks (and subsubtasks!)

I also added the formula for the total number of points (but I called it ‘Points’ so that it shows up in the grid view in the same column as the manually-added values).


It also means you can look at a User entity and see how many points they are spending on the different tasks:

If you want to make life easier for people, you can use a relation filter to limit the options when picking the user for assigning points, so that only users assigned to the task can be chosen:

Or you could work the other way around and automatically assign a user to the task if they have allocated points to it.


Very helpful, thank Chris. I had it setup similarly to how you recommended it, but the extra context and tips are appreciated.