Trello Integration Update

I’m trying to use Fibery as a good log of a help desk trello board.
The problems?

  • Once a card is marked “archived” in trello, it doesn’t actually check the archived field in Fibery, the card is either removed from Fibery, or left in it’s last state before the sync. In practice, choosing not to delete entities that are deleted in trello should mean that everything that is archived, but not deleted, should still sync to Fibery
  • Dropdown custom fields are mapped into Fibery as plain text
  • When more trello boards are added to Fibery, key types like “Members” are duplicated. It’d be nice to choose whether we want to build on an existing integration or create a completely separate instance. As it is now, I completely recreate the trello integration so I can avoid duplicating the Members and Board types.

Hi, @helloitse

Thanks for feedback. Please find my comments below

  1. Regarding archived cards. We will think about it. Not sure when it can be implemented.
  2. Regarding drop down custom fields. Since we have only one-way sync with Trello there is no much sense for us to show readonly list instead of simple text. Could you please let me know why you would like to have readonly drop down instead of text?
  3. Regarding duplicating Members. There is a possibility to edit integration source and add boards to avoid duplication. Can be done by opening type editor and switching source to edit mode.

Please let me know about any questions or comments.
