Store email message as comment on entity

I’m sure this is simple, but it’s late and I’m hungry so not thinking as well as I could be. :slight_smile:

We have a button on our Request database “Send Email to Requester” which does a simple “Send Email” action. This works perfectly.

I want to capture the body (Message field in the Send Email action) and save it as a comment on the Request. Like this:

I don’t know how to grab the Message field from step 2 and get it in here.

Please help! Thank you!

Unfortunately this is not supported yet. While we have this feature in the backlog, not sure when it will be done…

You may want to use a separate database (e.g. Note) instead of an attached comment here, since the comment is not sent with the email, but is for internal use.
To automatically insert the Message text of an email into a Note and attach it to the email entity, set up an automation that triggers upon sending the email and uses the markdown template of the Message field to insert it in the Note description field.

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Smort! Thank for that idea! :pray:

Can you point me to the specific markdown needed to grab that message field?

Now go get something to eat!

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This particular approach allows to bulk-send emails using an EmailTemplate database entity that can be selected when the button ‘Send Mail’ is clicked after selecting a number of Contacts (in this example I use my database BContact)



…I will now take a few minutes to add some info for additional comments to the sent emails…hold on…

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You can create a new database ‘SentMessage’ for each outgoing email, linked to the contact.

In the Send Mail automation, add the following action:

Because this automation does not allow to populate the Description and Comment rich text fields in the SentMessage, that needst to be done in a separate automation in the SentMessage database:


Alternative: Single (not bulk) Email:

Just add a button ‘Send’ to the SentMail database, which triggers the Send Email action.
Fill in the fields of the current entity, e.g.
To: {{Contact.Email}}
Subject: {{Name}}
Message: {{Description}}

Then, assuming that you filled in all fields of the current SentMail entity, when you click Send button and the result is the same.

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