Plans for end-to-end encryption or fully offline mode?

Hi there

I love fibery, but I was wondering if there are any plans to introduce end-to-end encryption in the future, or a complete full offline mode (with local storage)?

Thank you


Fibery has encryption at rest and in transport, but I am not sure what you mean by end-to-end.
Offline mode is unlikely anytime soon.


I hope I am not wrong, but to my understanding the difference is:

  • With E2E a server in the middle doesn’t decrypt the content. Only the source and destination can decrypt the message.
  • With In-Transit a server in the middle does decrypt the message, and encrypts it back once it send it further.
End-to-End     In-Transit
      ┌───┐        │       ┌───┐
Client│   │ hello  │ Client│   │ hello
      └─┬─┘        │       └─▲─┘
        │   uryyb  │         │   uryyb
      ┌─▼─┐        │       ┌─▼─┐
Server│   │ uryyb  │ Server│   │ hello
      └─┬─┘        │       └───┘
        │   uryyb  │
      ┌─▼─┐        ├────────────────────
Client│   │ hello  │
      └───┘        │       ┌───┐
                   │ Client│   │ hello
                   │       └─┬─┘
                   │         │   uryyb
                   │       ┌─▼─┐
                   │ Server│   │ hello
                   │       └─┬─┘
                   │         │   uryyb
                   │ Client┌─▼─┐
                   │       │   │ hello
                   │       └───┘
  • Transport encryption - Eavesdroppers cannot read message contents.
  • End-to-end encryption - Eavesdroppers AND intermediate nodes cannot read message contents.

Does fibery being in-transit + at rest is the same as E2EE?

Hi, Nman!

Does fibery being in-transit + at rest is the same as E2EE?

You are completely right, those are not the same things.
We are unlikely to work on that in the near-time future.

Thank you for the answer!