May 25, 2023 / ✔️ Search: done items are greyed, filter by space for all Views, new Settings, Import markdown files

:heavy_check_mark: Mark Done entities grey in search result

All entities in the final state (such as closed bugs and completed tasks) are dimmed and marked with a :heavy_check_mark: icon in search results.

:tropical_drink: Filter by Space for all Views (including Docs)

Now you can filter views in search results by space. This feature will help you find documents, whiteboards, and other views more quickly.

:waxing_gibbous_moon: Workspace Settings re-design

Workspace settings have been unified and moved to a new section called ‘Settings’, which can be easily accessed from the left menu. We hope that this change will help you find and update settings more quickly.

2023-05-25 16.09.32

Personal preferences now have a special area where you can change the theme and toggle one-panel navigation.

2023-05-25 16.07.53

:electric_plug: Import markdown files

The initial version of the markdown file import feature is now available as an experimental feature. With this feature, you can easily create documents by uploading a markdown file using the Import option.

2023-05-25 16.04.50

:running_woman: ClickUp Sync improvements

We have improved the support for ClickUp integration with the following updates:

  1. During synchronization, the views in Fibery will be restored or updated to reflect the same settings as they have in ClickUp. This ensures that the views in Fibery accurately represent the views in ClickUp.
  2. The ClickUp integration now supports syncing view descriptions in plain text format.
  3. The ClickUp import setting accurately displays multiple accounts.

Furthermore, we are currently working on adding more view-type support in the ClickUp integration. Stay tuned for these upcoming enhancements!

:shrimp: 21 Fixed Bugs

  • Rich Text: Unable to add an entry before ‘Code’ or Checklist in the beginning
  • Rich Text: Erasing mention query after # breaks document
  • Rich Text: ‘No result’ placeholder is missed in mention user popup
  • Rich Text: Popup is hidden when select Insert Mention or Insert Entity menu with mouse
  • Rich Text: Text wrapping is broken for checkboxes in rich-text
  • Rich Text: Unexpected scroll if try to add new row or column to the table at the end of large text
  • Rich Text: Table columns width is not preserved in readonly mode
  • Rich Text: It’s impossible to tick checkbox in old documents until editing the item
  • Rich Text: /File command is shown when you type /ch
  • Whiteboard: Toolbar is blurred in Safari
  • Whiteboard: Show hotkeys for zoom options
  • Whiteboard: Can’t create a new entity on a whiteboard
  • Error while trying to move self-related entity from parent to root in some case
  • Integrations: no way to restore files after removing this field in Fibery
  • Integrations: ‘Edit fields’ configuration screen should be skipped when shared and imported template has integration
  • Wrong results for empty dynamic values if some filter operators are used
  • Middle mouse click doesn’t open the entity from the list in entity editor
  • Notifications: Impossible to open a notification in a new tab by middle mouse click
  • Automations: Intellisense is working incorrectly in automation formulas
  • Board View: ‘Cover image’ option does not get saved for board in space template
  • Board View: Nothing should be shown on the board if no image exists in Files

Nice on the app filter addition!

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Awesome feature :star_struck::star_struck:

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Surprised this is limited to a single file. Is that just for testing, and bulk/multi-file is coming soon? I sure hope so!

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Yes, this is a technology preview. Bulk upload is on the way. Please share your use case and/or functionality requirements. It could help us to shape future releases.

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Update on filter functionality:

Amazing stuff; do have some thoughts.

In many cases, we are working from the sidebar and are trying to get to a specific app within Fibery.

When all of these apps are expanded, it can be difficult to find a specific document or view within an app. Naturally, search helps. However, if you cannot remember the exact name of the document or view, it can be challenging to find it without inspecting the Space itself. Furthermore, you need to be within that space to create new views anyways; getting there with ease seems necessary and is currently the challenge. In light of those points:

  1. Thoughts on the ability to search by “What: Any” type within the “Where: Space”? Currently, you must select the exact “Kind/Type”.
    1a. If I am trying to find different views and docs within a space, the new functionality forces me to segment by the view type. Maybe I want to view All whiteboards, docs, and boards named “Project” within my “Accounts” space and not within every other space that also has “Project” types. I think the feature is great and hones in on specific types, but doesn’t allow for broader searches within specific spaces across multiple types. Allowing “Any” type search but filtering by “Where” solves this.

  2. Thoughts on the ability to create a new document within the selected “Where” (Space)? Currently, it only creates one within My Space.
    2a. If I want to create a new document in said space, I can do that from the sidebar. But getting there is challenging. Allowing creation of new documents within the selected “Space” (like you can with standard entities) solves this.

  3. Can we add a list of “Spaces” as options to select within the search results that navigate to “”, so that we can get to the app and for further inspection or interaction?
    3a. As stated above, getting to spaces to work within them or inspect them is a challenge. Adding the space as a selection within the search solves this.
    3b. Example: If I search “Project” - all spaces containing the name “Project” will display above all the other standard search results. Then, I can simply navigate to the app and start working within it.

Honestly, if we had a filterable sidebar, 1-3 probably wouldn’t be needed, as we could hide spaces that don’t contain the filtered value, easily see them, navigate to them and interact. I still believe this is ideal, but if the idea is for everyone to work from the Search Bar first, then having direct access to navigate to a space seems important.

Just my thoughts!


+1 on a filterable sidebar for quickly finding the space you want!


My main use case historically has been a complete import of all my data from Obsidian (about 1500 .md files) and Notion (another 500 or so). You can see single import would not be so useful for this. :sweat_smile: More recently I am thinking about a live sync between Obsidian and Fibery, but that would be a custom developed plugin solution, and I think bulk import would be of interest to more people from various tools. And bulk import from Notion would still be nice (the sync could handle this if it synced page contents, it didn’t use to, may now).

Anyway, I would say the main use case is migration from other tools, which is heavily in Fibery’s interest. That said, here’s an outline of the major features I would want in a bulk .md import (off the top of my head):

  • Upload single archive (zip) to be expanded and parsed for individual files (or multi-select in file picker and allowing folder selection)
  • Import can be into existing Space (creates Folders + Docs) or into existing Database (creates Entities of that type, import dialog asks to specify Rich Text filed to import .md contents into)
  • Folders in archive are translated into Fibery folders (optional)
  • Empty .md files create an empty Fibery page (optional vs. “ignore empty”)
  • Same-name files have option to overwrite or ignore
    • Overwritten docs have old contents in doc history

I imagine @Sarah_Arminta might have some thoughts on it as well.

Hell yes, live filtering sidebar! :fire:


Thanks for the detailed explanation. Hopefully, we will see these features in the product soon. They are in line with our plans. Stay tuned!


The sidebar does feel a bit hard to tame, once you have several spaces with a decent amount of content in each. There is a lot of scrolling to find what you want.

I wonder if an “accordion” style nav would work better, where all space names are always visible*, but only one is expanded at once? Each space would remember what was expanded, so you could swap between things without losing context, but without ending up with twelve screens worth of vertical scrolling.

*Up to a point, obviously, depending on the number of spaces. You’d have an outer scroll panel for the whole accordion in case you have a lot of spaces, with an inner scroll panel for the currently open space taking up at least say 70% of the available vertical screen space. The active space would be collapsible, so you could see just space names. Scroll wheel events on the inner panel would scroll the contents of the active space, and scroll wheel events on the outer space name accordion items would scroll that outer panel of spaces.


Do I need to do anything to activate this technology preview?

It doesn’t appear on my settings

Please open the “Experimental Features” menu item.

Here you can Enable the Markdown Import:


Great feature