July 18, 2024 / đŸ± Bunch of improvements

For the next couple of months we will mostly work on improvements, including views, entities creation, settings, etc. We are going to streamline many workarounds and improve overall Fibery experience. Here we go!

Reactions and entities mentions in inline comments

Now you can react to inline comments and mention entities using # shortcut.

Specify the exact Rule instead of Fibery (rule) in audit log and entity history

Previously, when trying to trace back why a field value was changed by some rule, it was very challenging to identify the exact rule that triggered the change, especially when multiple rules were at play.

Now you can clearly see the rule that did the change.

Multiple Highlight Databases

You can create and manage multiple Highlight databases and change their names and colors, just like any other database in Fibery. The only restriction is that you cannot set the same source in different Highlight databases. However, there are no restrictions for Highlight targets.

This feature can be handy if you would like to use the Highlight feature for different use cases.

Switch Field visualization on Grid (Table) View

Previously, we enabled the ability to change how a Field is displayed in most Views, including the Entity View. Now, this feature is also available in the Grid View. You can access this option through the individual Field settings in the Columns menu.


Import from Space screen database menu

You can import CSV files from the Database menu. Using this option, the default setting will be “Existing database” import and the corresponding space and database will be preselected to avoid importing data to the wrong place.

Hide 3-dot menu for Pinned units when nothing is pinned

We’ve hidden the More menu from Pinned Units section of 2-Column layout when no Units are pinned in order to free up some space. First Unit can be pinned via Field’s More menu. Others can be pinned either from Field’s More menu, or the old way. We’ve kept the ability to unpin Units and change their visualization from the original More menu when it’s present on screen.


Whiteboard: show 2+ relations between entities of the same nature

Now, you can view and manage multiple relations between entities of the same nature on one line. For instance, Feature → Tasks, and Feature → CriticalTask.

The new update introduces a Relation popover with additional options, allowing you to view each relation on a separate line for better clarity and unlink all or any specific relation.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Public Space Form View should work as it is shared. When there is a Form View in a space and space is shared to web, anybody is able to access this form and submit a new entity now.
  • AI limits for rules are enforced now.

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

Some random bugs:

  • Error in AI highlight suggestions
  • Deleted space stays displayed in sidebar of shared workspace
  • Inline comments: Convert to entity mention does not work
  • Inserting link into view description or comment suggests Mention but it can not be really added there
  • When sorting groups in Table View the sorting column requires to be present

Whiteboard bugs:

  • Escape does not work on whiteboard as described in shortcuts
  • No error on UI if user tries to draw relation line between entities to which he doesn’t have edit permissions
  • No error on UI if user tries to delete relation line between entities to which he doesn’t have edit permissions
  • Line doesn’t look selected if it’s locked
  • Guest can draw relation lines on whiteboart created in My Space
  • Shortcut for Unlink button is not shown in relation line actions
  • ‘Unlink’ should not be displayed for relation that are not allowed to be unlinked
  • Arrange Strategy doesn’t take Relations into account when Inserting Many Entities
  • Spot shouldn’t be draggable if it lies on Relation Link which represents more then one actual connections between Entities
  • Copy-paste shapes with text in it incorrectly-overrides text in every shape but one
  • Line does not get really locked right after selecting ‘Lock’ option
  • Invalid Link copy-pasting

Awesome release!

This saves so many time! :heart_eyes:


Best of the bunch!


Great release that will ease overall usability! :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy to hear! While we always wanna have new toys, it’s great that y’all oscillate and also spend time on refinements!

Looking forward to it!


Love this release! Thanks. :heart:

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First and foremost, I must say that each of these enhancements — especially: (1) extending to inline comments the entity-mention functionality of which (in stark contrast to their entity-level counterparts) they’d been previously denied (and thus erasing the last mark of discrimination between the two, and in so doing bringing the two classes of the Fibery “Comment” into a state of full equality); (2) the exact disclosure of a triggering-rule’s identity (hugely helpful!); and (3) the ability to have (not-just-one-but-multiple) Highlight DB’s (what a fascinating and unexpected surprise) — is a truly superb, hugely life-improving, and exceedingly time-saving one, and (whether each is considered alone or when together) evoke the great sense of respect, care, and love that the Fibery Team surely has and must have for (first and foremost) Fibery itself, and more importantly for its users. That is so very much appreciated, and as always my many thanks to you, Michael — and the entire Fibery Team — for bestowing upon each of us such a wonderful array of gifts.

Secondly (and admittedly based merely on my few minutes of use with these new functionalities so far) I do have one quick question if I may, specifically regarding the first of the above-listed improvements — the addition of inline-comment entity-mention functionality. More specifically, it appears that — unlike their entity-comment counterparts — inline-comment entity-mentions do not seem to trigger the usual/expected generation of a back-link/reference in the referenced entity’s References field (i.e., as seen when entity-viewing the same). As this behavior appears to differ entirely from what happens everywhere else in Fibery, I respectfully suggest that it is indisputably unexpected. And so, if I may ask, then: is this in fact (as I assume it to be) unintended behavior (or could it instead be intended)? As, in my view, the natural extension of such back-link/reference functionality to the newly-added inline-comment entity-mention would be tremendously helpful and beneificial across the board, I very much hope it to be the former. Either way, my many thanks for your time and consideration (and for all things “Fibery” as always).

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