Jan 4, 2024 / 🍎 Desktop client for macOS, Row Height in Table View (experimental)

First release of the year brings some goodies from Slow December and experimental table view improvement.

:apple: Beta macOS desktop client

Introducing Fibery desktop client for macOS — try it for faster experience and improved notifications. Go to Desktop App — Fibery to get the macOS app that supports Intel and Apple silicon.

With the desktop client:

  • You can receive Fibery notifications in your OS in a more appealing and seamless way.
  • Fibery stays active in the background, so the dock promptly notifies you of any unread messages.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are less likely to conflict with browser-based defaults or custom settings.

This is a beta version, so we’re looking forward to your feedback!

:crossed_fingers:Windows version coming soon.

:deciduous_tree: Experimental: Row height in Table View

Now you can set row height in Table View. It can be handy if you want to see some text snippet, for example. Enable this feature in Settings → Experimental Lab, open any Table View and find Row Height setting in the top right corner:

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Activity pop-up should not display references from docs user has no access to and My space of another users
  • Blank snippet field in the file if export table with snippet to csv
  • ‘Account not found’ after changing account for integration and re-sync

Oh wow :eyes: … macOS app is very exciting.

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Since Sonoma I’m using fibers as an app with the “add to dock” feature from macOS … This was flawless so far. How is the app different from that? I guess the notifications are the big difference here?

Thursday is always exciting these days :slight_smile: wohoo

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Love the idea of desktop apps since I basically have a browser (Edge) dedicated to Fibery tabs now. But I definitely hope there are plans for multi-window in the app because otherwise it’s mostly useless to me. I have at least 2 and often many more Fibery windows open at any given time. :sweat_smile: If you do add multi-window, then there needs to be decent window management. Default Mac behavior here is not my preference (multiple floating windows, no representation of each separately in the dock, etc.), so I hope there will be Tabs in that case. Yes, this starts to just duplicate the browser experience somewhat, but obviously is still useful as its own stand-alone thing. :grin:


Great, Desktop apps! Looking forward to the Windows app. Would love a Linux version as well! :penguin:

Row height, awesome feature!!! I was just thinking this week that this would be cool for the Calendar. I noticed that when you go to Month view and when there is only a single meeting, it also only shows one line, even though there is more space.

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Wow awesome! :star_struck: Looking forward to the windows client :partying_face:

I’ve tested a few of our use cases where row height may be handy but I bump into the following:

  • In places where you can expect (a lot of) text, the row height option is handy. So example: a preview from a note you’ve written. It looks clean when every row has the same height.
  • But we also would love to use it in the CRM part. Show a preview of the description in a meeting, show a preview in the customer journey activity log etc. But the problem there is that you sometimes do have a snippet to show and sometimes not. Plus that we combine a lot of different databases in that overview.

In those scenario’s it would be helpful if we have responsive row height. So that it only shows when there is something to show.

Else it looks like this when I choose for medium.

It will take a lot of space. Especially because most of the customer journey activity contains > 50 items since we also integrate email marketing + webinar data.

But for notes it’s awesome :star_struck:


Sweet. Will it eventually work offline?!


nope, there is no offline mode yet.

I also wanted to add that it is important that the row height (if it is going to be remain pre-set or have the option of being either pre-set or responsive per @YvetteLans suggestion), that this setting exist for each level of the hierarchy in the table. For nested entities, only one of the levels might need to have an “extra tall” row height while others can be simple rows. Otherwise the table becomes really ugly and hard to read.


Love the idea of the app, in practice the need for multiple windows/tabs keeps me coming back to a browser.