July 11, 2024 / Tabs in desktop apps, Windows desktop app

Vacations season has started, but Fibery team ships anyway! Today’s small release has many fixed bugs and some improvements.

Fibery desktop app for Windows

Try it for faster experience and improved notifications. Go to Desktop App — Fibery to get the Windows installer.

With the desktop client:

  • You can receive Fibery notifications in your OS in a more appealing and seamless way.
  • Fibery stays active in the background, so the taskbar promptly notifies you of any unread messages.
  • Keyboard shortcuts are less likely to conflict with browser-based defaults or custom settings.

Desktop apps: Tabs

Now you can enjoy tabs in Fibery desktop apps and reduce web browser distractions.

NOTE: Please download and install new version. It has auto-updates as well.

Allow to change user roles from users screen

Now admins can change user roles directly from the users screen.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Display many-to-many User relations as relation Views on Entity View
  • CSV 2.0 import: any CSV field can be imported to an existing Rich Text field as well

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Desktop:
    • Everytime I launch the app on Windows, it starts in settings, experimental lab.
    • A spellchecker is enabled by default
    • No way to download an image embedded in a comment using the Desktop app.
  • Comments:
    • UX issue with inline comment pop-up : when user does click to edit text, pop-up gets opened instead
    • Comments inside feed are cut , ‘Open in sidebar’ button does nothing
  • Whiteboard:
    • It’s impossible to convert several connection lines to relation lines at the same time
    • It’s possible to delete relation line with Delete button
    • White part of whiteboard blinks on duplicate or delete
    • Missing caret on Text appearance change in shape tool or sticky note
    • Text selection box doesn’t change on Paste
    • Copied link to relation arrow leads to a wrong place
    • We don’t take shift into account when creating a new Shape
  • Slack integration: unable to process message where attachments are formed using blocks
  • Merge entities:
    • Cursor isn’t set by default in ‘find’ input if merge is selected from context menu
    • Missing comments after merge
  • ‘Hide when empty’ toggle is off by default for newly selected read-only fields
  • Entity View: entity activity takes too much time to load
  • Table View: Extra space for displaying totals is added to the table bottom even if there is no numeric columns
  • Figma embed: fix embedding for private files

Very excited to see the desktop app getting continued attention! Woohoo!

I’m not quite sure how to make the new tabs work however – I’m on Windows. I can right click an entity and the option to “Open in a New Tab” is there, but it just pops up a new window instead. Did I miss something obvious?

EDIT: Ok, redownloaded the app and it worked! Looks good! This may be my misunderstanding, but do we have to redownload the app each time a new release occurs, or should it be auto-updating somehow?

Sorry for the confusion. We should have clarified that you should re-download the windows app, if you already have one installed. Auto-updates should work starting with this version forward.

We have failed some necessary work on the previous release (we did not sign our binaries properly, and windows considered our app untrustworthy), so we had to start from scratch.


Ah, good call @alex – thanks for the context. You guys may want to put out some messaging about this to encourage all users to redownload.

In my very short time playing with new tabs, this might be my favorite feature in a while. I almost wish the native web experience had this. I know it’d be weird to have tabs under tabs in a browser pane, but still…

The ability to quickly jump to frequent views without even opening up the sidebar is awesome. Well done!

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Really nice :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I’m looking forward to the desktop tabs!

However, I deleted the desktop version and installed 2.0.2. Windows.

I see the new tabs but that’s all I can see. The app is not working anymore.

Can imagine that it’s hard to reproduce? :sweat_smile:

What I already tried

  • Reboot my laptop
  • Uninstall 2.0.2. and install 2.0.2. again

Let me know if I can try something else!

Several apps actually do basically this exact thing, including ClickUp. And I think it’s a nice feature to have!

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Is there a special reason why the desktop app needs administrative rights to install on windows? Other apps seem to be able to install/extract very simply without needing this. It makes it really hard for folks that don’t have this type of access on their work systems.

This should not be the case, we tested it and it works fine. Can you make sure that this is the problem?

Fantastic with desktop-app
Desktop app is really great to break out from browser tab-bloat. And supports tabs right away, that’s really neat. I had a custom chrome shortcut before but a desktop app everyone can easily install.

Edit: really nice I can also reorder tabs, duplicate, and copy URL to tab.

Add keyboard shortcuts to User Guide
I didn’t find the new keyboard shortcuts for switch tab in Fibery’s User Guide, would be good to add.

PS. I agree admin privileges to install would be bad. In my case in my Windows 10 enterprise 22H2, I didn’t need it, and “Fibery-app” installed into users/appdata/local as a typical user-installed app.

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thank yoụ for fixing this, I’m moving from web app to desktop app right now

This is awesome, I didn’t event realize there was a desktop app, but it looks like it will be very handy to heavy users of Fibery