Is it somehow possible to share apps between Fibery instances? It will be quite an effort to recreate a fully customized app we need to use in a second instance.
Is it somehow possible to share apps between Fibery instances? It will be quite an effort to recreate a fully customized app we need to use in a second instance.
Found the Export option under App menu and the Import option under the main Apps menu. Does this process work reliably now?
Thanks! That’s fantastic!
When types of one app has relations with types of another app, what happens to those relations, when the apps are being exported and imported one by one (since there is no export all and import all)?
Do the relationships and board views of such inter-relations get restored after all the apps have been imported one by one in the destination instance?
@Shafqat_Ullah So far relations between apps are lost (and views with these relations are corrupted). Do you need to export/import several apps at once?
The need of exporting and importing several inter-related apps is a common need. I am modeling all entities within a single app, so hopefully I won’t need it. But I assume that should be implemented.
In other words, when an app is exported, it only makes sense if all its dependent apps are also exported in tandem. This may be called a “Package”. So, Package Export and Package Import.
@Shafqat_Ullah That makes sense. We will solve this problem in future.
Thanks @mdubakov!
reusablilty indeed can help . insome software app , the word clone is used instead instances ,cloning is copying , instances seem to be ok
Has export and import of apps been removed? I don’t see the options in my workspaces…