Improve the Chrome extension to add entities through entity forms and prepopulation of form fields

Yes, there is a workaround:

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Totally missed your comment! Thanks!

Yes it can be useful for our own use cases. But we are selling workspaces to customers → I’m afraid it’s not a very intuitive workflow for them.

You’re genius

@Chr1sG I created a video explaining why I like using the ClickUp extension that can speak to the needs expressed in this thread.

For me it is definitely the need to populate Fibery specific data without leaving the current tab. The added bonus of the ClickUp extension right now is bi-directional linking from the inbox.

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The functionality you’re describing is very much an browser integration specifically for Gmail as far as I can see, rather than a generic web browser extension.
Have you considered using Ply to create buttons within Gmail? This might allow you to achieve a very customised integration between Gmail and Fibery.

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The team at ClickUp built one extension that handles Gmail & Outlook specially and still facilitates bookmarking and capturing across the web. I am excited about Ply as a current solution! I caught wind of it when looking at the ProductHunt 2023 awards.

But I would love to see Fibery own data entry to eliminate the need for external tools.


Indeed. I meant that the Fibery extension is designed to do one thing - capture data from websites, whereas the ClickUp extension serves many purposes.
At the moment, there is no intention to devote resources to expanding the bookmarking capabilities of the extension nor to extend the functionality to support other use cases.

I’m happy to start working on an unofficial Fibery chrome extension that has more features. Its not a high priority for me at the moment so it may take a while. @Chr1sG its this one right? GitHub - Fibery-inc/fibery-web-extension

Are the contributors associated with the Fibery dev team?




Y, N, N

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Please do improve the existing extension! It would be nice if it at least reaches feature parity with the official Notion one.


I did not start with working the extension yet, but am currently using a workaround: I insert hashtags in the title of the Chrome extension form, and use a script that checks a ‘TagMapping’ database to get a target database to automatically convert it. So in the extension I use only one database ‘Bookmark’ that when it contains a hashtag is converted. Other automations like linking and complete workflows are possible simply by adding rules that the TagMapping can trigger. For example hashtags in the body of the extension form can allow specific fields to be populated, users assigned, etc. If you like an example let me know.

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