Ideas needed: Fibery Mobile 🐌

Hi folks,

We are slowly starting designing and conceptualizing Fibery Mobile App to start implementation in March-April 2025. Most likely it will be web-based app, but tailored for mobile devices with just important use cases and new UI.

What are your top use cases for Fibery Mobile?
Can you share top 3-5 that will make you get some significant value from mobile version?


For us the simple ability to capture a task without an internet connection.

Sometimes I am on the underground and need to write down a task to work on later but I cant.


Interactive conditional intelligent customisable forms
Offline use ideal long-term feature
Add photo’s and video to database via app



This is exciting to hear. I’ve been trying to use Fibery mobile and find it’s workable

1. Quick Capture

I thought Tana had a great approach with their first Tana capture app. 4 large action buttons on the screen, one being quick capture.

On mobile I have less expectations around doing any serious writing/editing but being able to add quick notes is still useful.

2. Search > lists

In a tool like Fibery where there could be a lot of items search feels like the quickest way to find what you’re looking for on mobile. I think the addition of the “recent items” search will be useful in mobile contexts.

Search is also useful for being able to find and check off any tasks

3. Offline/Faster bootup

This is related to #1. The current mobile experience is useable but it can be slower to load at times. Echoing what @Lee_Denny said I think offline capture/sync later would be useful. I don’t need full offline mode but knowing that quick capture is always available would be great.


Accessing information for quick reference, usually through navigating the sidebar, but sometimes by using search. Also making quick changes within an entity’s fields (usually in the rich text field to provide updated information).


Kiosk mode (not the most important)

Be able to have the app locked on a View (i.e. a Form view where the users can write their feedback during a presentation). Permits to not share a View to the Web.

Offline mode

If it’s a Web based app instead of a real mobile app, I’m not sure that you will be able to provide that but just in case…


As @Ryan_Dejaegher said, easy ways to capture an information (Create new entity on a specific Database, complete easily a Form, etc…)

Also an easy way to search.


Super exciting :tada: with similar requirements as posted already.

An amazing use case for Fibery Mobile and AI would be the following:

Having Fibery Mobile in a meeting with a form capturing data related to the meeting. A button on the form to activate a recording of the conversations combined with an AI application like to record, transcribe, summarize, and analyzes the meeting conversations and automatically allocate the data to fibery. A perfect addition to convert unstructured information to structured information entering it into fibery without the need to manually type notes after the meeting.


This is actually a big thing for us. I just didn’t mention it as, based off of previous feedback, it seemed like this feature is very unlikely.

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Hi Michael,
this is BIG news.

In the beginning, a good viewing and navigation experience will be most important. On iPhone it is currently a PITA, it gets better on a tablet but is far from good.

The next use case would be to edit a single entity

Keep up the great work Marc

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I work in front of the computer so I don’t usually use the native mobile apps but the only thing I find it useful are the native notifications with a panel that lets you choose what you want to get on the mobile.

That’s one of the things Clickup did well:


I don’t have specific use cases so much as I have three particular pain points that affect much of the Fibery mobile experience for me. I am on Android using Chrome and these issues have remained consistent across multiple phones:

  1. Rich Text Editing and the Keyboard pop-up. This comes up most often when working with lists of various kinds, whether bullet or check-box. If you attempt to simply check a checkbox it pops up the keyboard. This often obscures what I’m trying to do and is especially problematic if I want to check multiple in a row (which I often do). Adding new bullet points has also been extremely unreliable in the past, I’m not sure if it’s better now because it was so bad for a while (messing up lines, putting text in the middle of other lines, etc.) that I stopped trying after it trashed my text several times.
  2. Date pickers are nearly unusable because they also pop-up the keyboard, which then covers the date picker. It’s nice to have the option to type in a date I suppose, but often I just want to pick from the date picker.
  3. Display of fields in Views does not adapt to the resolution/scale. I have a 4k monitor so all my Views are oriented toward having a lot of screen width. I display 6-10 Fields for each Entity on many of my Views, which still gives me plenty of space to read the Name in almost every case, including Split Screen at 4k. On mobile however I basically just see a squished set of Fields, the values of which are largely squished to illegibility. I’m not sure the best way to solve this, because some people would have different preferences for whether a field should display on Mobile, so it might be hard to auto-adapt, and yet a manual switch for “Display on Mobile” might be too heavy a solution. Maybe there is a pure design way to solve it too. Mostly I see it in List View where there are no scrollbars I think.

Anyway hopefully that’s helpful. I like the Quick Capture ideas, but I also need to view and interact with Rich Text of existing Entities for my personal use cases. Faster loading time would also be a huge boon, and not having to reload so frequently. Often I’ll load a page before I leave wifi hoping it’ll be there when I get back to it, but if it’s more than 5-10 mins it usually isn’t. That may just be a Chrome caching limitation, I have no idea, but TBH I sometimes find Fibery reloading on desktop in inconvenient ways. :smile:

Excited to see not only what you guys do with this, but also what impact it might have on adoption/userbase!


That’s awesome :heart_eyes:

On mobile I want to read inbox notifications and answer comments.

Ideally I also want to see what is most important for me (tasks for today, important deadlines, etc.).

My idea is a bit out of the box maybe :slight_smile: But I’ve build a lot of ‘menu pages’ in Fibery (instead of normal views).

Each menu page is a database with only 1 entity (i.e. ‘Focus area’) that acts as a page.

On that page I’ve created relations with applicable databases and applied filters to show relevant data of that database.

One example is the ‘focus area’

You see a relation with my time tracker, projects, tasks, important dates, appointments, birthdays.

I have several views per database and via filters I only show the relevant data for ‘today’.

This concept (not the actual solution) would be great on mobile IMO.

So that as a user

  • I have a (home?) page in the app
  • That I can configure
  • So that it shows the relevant information for me based on relations and filters (like ‘today’ or assignee = me)

(so it’s not really needed for myself since I already have that feature; but for user that don’t have my set-up it’s very useful I think)

Further quick capture would be great. The current functionality for that would work fine! (Really) big plus if there is a speech to text function.

And search must work well.

I agree with all points of @Oshyan. I use Fibery a lot on my mobile and those UI bugs are really annoying.

(date picker on desktop also has a bug when it’s a date range field with time; then you can’t choose 21:45 for example)

And it would be awesome if we can use the full mobile width (currently there is lots of unneeded padding/spacing on mobile)


Can I make a plea to make it work on tablets? Fibery ought to already given the screen real estate, but there are various “mobile” UI bugs that make it a really annoying experience, mostly around editing fields. I’d start with fixing the UI paper cuts for Android Chrome on a tablet, as it wouldn’t be a ton of work, and then work on the smaller screen experience.

On a phone I’d still like to be able to easily:

  • Edit rich text (indented lists, checkboxes, etc.)
  • Add comments
  • Catch up on new items and status changes
  • Search for things
  • See calendar entries (although if you could provide a native iCal feed to import into GCal/Outlook/etc that would be better still)

YES!!! :raised_hands: OMG I am out of my mind excited ha.

I want/need to do two key things on mobile:

  1. Quick capture - thoughts, notes, tasks, reminders, anything on the go
  2. Edit entities - rich text, status updates, any field data found via search or nav

If this sounds like pretty much everything :sweat_smile:, I’ll clarify that I do not expect the ability to make major ‘environmental’ changes like configuring Spaces, Databases, Relations, Rules, Views, etc. I can do that stuff on my laptop. But I’ll pee in my pants the day I can add & edit records on my phone. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I echo many of the comments made here, in particular quick capture and offline mode. I think @Oshyan also covered a lot of the UI issues that generally exist on touch-based interfaces (not just limited to phones) which would hopefully be fixed even in the web-version running in mobile browsers.

My wishlist items are likely going to be in the “not going to happen” bucket but I thought I mention them anyway:

Dashboard/Custom Interfaces
I don’t know if this is an extension of quick capture, but I’ve always found adding new entities to fibery on a phone is super cumbersome because the UI is oriented towards mouse precision and larger screens. I recall that a few years ago there was some effort put towards creation of dashboards but it was abandoned. I think working on a mobile app and UI might be an opportunity to revive this effort to allow creators to build responsive interfaces (with regions, simple views, buttons, simple forms, …) that simplify working with fibery on mobile while also enabling dashboards and more complex views in the full web experience.

Form/View Customization

I think this is absolutely necessary no matter which version of fibery you work with. Multiple Views feature help with this to some extent, but I wish fibery’s UI was built from the ground up to support using the underlying entity data to control the UI elements. See following idea:

Device Hardware Access
I think it would be super helpful to have access to some of the mobile device sensors/features which are currently inaccessible in fibery. These include:

  • Camera: being able to capture and add photos to fibery entities from the app or read barcodes/qr codes
  • NFC: being able to scan nfc tags to record something (e.g. checkout an object) or trigger an automation
  • GPS: allowing fibery maps to show user’s current position on a map and also use this information to filter entities based on proximity would be fantastic. This might also be an opportunity to give map views some :heart: (see some ideas here)

I can imagine most of these device/hardware features would not be very important to conventional fibery users, but they would open-up fibery’s use to quite a few other use cases which are mobile-first (e.g. inventory management, asset management, field inspections, …). I know being web-based as opposed to a native app might mean some of this is not even possible, I still thought I should put the idea out there.


Generally speaking and aside from UI issues expressed by @Oshyan and others I think the mobile web format is currently pretty good.

My use case would be providing schedule and project logging to field construction crews and would be helped by the following changes:

Calendar Improvements

The day calendar is ok and would be nicer when integrated in an app so scrolling is vertical only. The week and month calendars are generally not useable due to the text formatting. Month is not critical for mobile use but week would be nice. It might also be worth adding a 3 day view as it seems to be pretty common in mobile calendar apps and is a much more reasonable information density for mobile portrait view.

The Outlook iOS app does an ok job of month view just by reducing whitespace and text size, but only for short titles.

The Smartsuite uses a calendar list view which might be preferable for more verbose titles.

Both apps also have a separate lane for all day/no time value entities which would also pretty helpful for calendar views with multiple types.

Embed list view in entity quick creation
For lack of a better description…

For project logging we create a Writeup type entity that contains notes about a completed stage of a project and writeup materials. The Writeup Materials have a one-to-many relation to the Writeup and have their own one-to-many relationship to Materials which is used to define the writeup materials instance. Ideally it would be possible to create a new writeup, add new writeup materials, and define their fields (set material type) in one form/quick create view. The most straightforward way I could imagine this is to embed a list view in the entity creation/form view, but I would happily do it another way so long as it was possible to do in one view/context. Currently, I would have to use a table view which is one of the least mobile compatible views or create the writeup first, navigate to the entity view, and use a the Writeup Material relation view to create new Writeup Material lines.

I am very talented at drawing on my phone

While I this may sound like a niche case, I think this applies pretty well to anyone who uses a document → document line (one-to-many) system for things like invoices, expenses, ect. Combined with @cannibalflea request for hardware access it would be possible to create very data rich entities without excess navigation.


Glad to see this is becoming a reality!

Quick Capture. As I stated here back in Jul 2023 (an many others are mentioning now), I think a crucial feature is ability to Quick Capture like Tana: Native Apps (Apple, Android, etc.) - #25 by Illusory. If Fibery Mobile app is simply a web-app tailored for mobile, I imagine Fibery’s current Quick Add feature will be accessible, so that should work fine, assuming the UI is tweaked.

Offline mode. I agree with other users here. In my experience, Fibery has issues loading content if connection is not highly stable (e.g. mobile data).

Search, view, edit. Probably goes without saying but I’d definitely still want to have the ability to search for entities, update fields and update rich text (with formatting options). Also, changing filters and sorting views should be available, since it is even more important on mobile (due to lack of real estate).

Nice-to-have, but not a priority:

Create new views. I could live with having to create views on the web since it’s related to “space configuration”, but if it’s possible that would be nice.

Push notifications. Would be nice to have dedicated notifications for Fibery on iOS.


Notifications and Approvals: Push notifications and easy 1 click button to approve items that use your Multi Approval Template.

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Rich texts updates feed.

On mobile, most of experience is about reading updates for me. So something that lets me go scroll through everything changed since last time would keep me aware.

I see this as continuation of audit log to allow seeing text changes too (before-after) and maybe in more compact form.