High Impact Mobile Improvements

This is my grab bag of small but impactful tweaks that could be made to Fibery to seriously upgrade the mobile experience. I know (or believe) mobile isn’t a current focus for Fibery, clearly disclosed on the Anxiety page, so I’m not going to be too sad if these aren’t implemented soon. Here you go!

  1. View options, like database, fields, filters, sorting, etc aren’t visible on mobile. I assume because they get overlapped by the left portion of that header area. Probably just a weird CSS thing. Could maybe be solved with a horizontal scroll or different CSS rules. Current mobile workaround is to temporarily change the page to “Desktop Mode”.

  2. Reduce/eliminate margins on mobile. Especially in document and entity detail view. The margins aren’t too bad, but I feel like they could be compressed further on smaller width windows.

  3. Full screen/full width sidebar menu. On mobile, the sidebar would work even better with a full-screen-width option.

  4. The Space Databases view currently wraps the database names when they overflow. On big screens, that’s great, but on small screens, I think it’d be great to keep those buttons on the same line and horizontally scroll the overflow. Alternatively, I know some UI systems compress overflow items into a drop-down menu. This would free up screen space on mobile devices to interact with the table/database itself.

  5. Improve the wrapping vs truncating of fields in list view. Right now, list view only truncates long or many fields when the screen width doesn’t have enough space. On mobile screens, wrapping these values instead would be amazing. That’s what board view does, which is my current workaround, but board view doesn’t have the ability to show the nested relationships.

There are other things too, which I would more say are bugs, like a very poor rich-text editing experience on mobile
. I’ll leave that for another time.

Thank you for this post! What I would add as high impact/necessity for actual use of Fibery is the speed in which new entities can be created. This is actually my problem with the current web UI anyway, but even more cumbersone on mobile devices, where one click creation of a new empty entity appears not possible out of the box. It would be great for an automation button to be big and bold floating on top of the mobile screen, like similar mobile apps that have a plus button for a one click new page.

I think that connecting a third party mobile app using the fibery API will be faster to implement these mobile features. I wonder who has already accomplished this?

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As a simple workaround I’ve created a ‘shortcut’ list, specially for mobile. I’ve linked all databases that I used the most when I quickly want to create an entity.

The URL of the page is a shortcut on the homescreen of my phone. Not perfect, but it works.


Whoa, I have been thinking for a while that one of the major friction points is quickly capturing thought, task, whatever, while on the go. Your hack is a decent stop-gap solution! Definitely agree that there would ideally be an easier / offical way to accomplish this.

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