Hide People/User for non-admins

  • Currently: all users can see all other users, including their e-mail. This is a privacy issue.
  • Idea: allow only admins to see all users.
  • Use-Case: We work with external clients from different companies and they are not supposed to see each other’s e-mails

The issue is mainly about:

  1. “People” menu item in the left menu - if that would be not visible to all users, that would be already a huge win (why do members even need that?)
  2. User entities that can be found through search and other means - should not be accessible to non-admins

P.S. In the latest Sharing & Permission guide fibery asked to share pain points via intercom, hope I’m correct here

It’s coming…


Hey! Any update on this? This could allow for more public-facing apps, as well as inviting clients/investors/external people to your workspace without exposing all your team’s emails.

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Fingers crossed it will be delivered before winter sets in :slight_smile:

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Any update on this? This is holding us to use Fibery.

ETA is the end of the year, but we are working on it now, database-level access should be release this week (or next, who knows…) and then we will go for Configure Access to Users, here is the excerpt from our monthly internal update:

With recent changes to sign in handling, this is becoming more critically important. Can this go up in priority?

Use cases about are solved with new User type, who doesn’t have access to user emails
Here you may check how it works
Please, let me know, whether it solves your use case :pray:

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