Finding relation to Jira issue based on Key, not Name

Given I have integrated with Jira and created a type called Issues
When I create a relation to Issues in another type
Then I want to be able to type the issue key, not the name, to find it

Is this possible? I did the integration with Airtable and that allowed me to configure the type to use a given field as the fibery name, but I can’t see any way to either change the name of my Issue type to use the Key field, or a formula…

Hi, @coffeepowered

Thanks for your feedback. There are two possible ways to do solve it:

  1. You can add rich field “ISSUE KEY” to Issue and configure Automation rule to save key in it and that will be available in search dialog:

So when you will type key in search dialog it can be found

Please note: You will need to delete all issues and re-sync type to have it working.

  1. It can be done using filter by key field in table or board. Please find the screen below

Please let me know about any questions or comments.
