Filter changes by one user result in inconsistent views for other users


Filter changes made by one user are shown but don’t actually get applied in other users view until view is reloaded. In the screenshot below, another user had applied the filter and the filter was being indicated and listed in Filter view, but actual board content was not filtered by that Filter.

We are aware about this problem. So far all users can change Views configuration and solution will be 2-steps:

  1. Only Admin and View creator will be able to change View config.
  2. User-based filters and sorting will be implemented. Thus it will be possible to filter view for every specific user. So far it is not possible.

Yes, agree with the plan. Thanks!

Collaboratively working on board views is almost impossible now due to this. Not having the Program/Project/Product scope/space feature further creates the need for filtering based on these scopes.

Only work around is to create duplicates of boards for each user but then there is no way to organize the proliferation of views in the left navbar.

So, all these make the per-user Filter and Sort feature an urgent need. @mdubakov

I believe this problem should be solved with context views.

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Didn’t fully understand from this video but looks like something very promising. Maybe this will alleviate the problem until the Workspaces feature comes. Workspaces is definitely a blocker feature for teams who need isolated and independent workspaces to manage work of programs, projects, products or workgroups.

Until the cross-apps export feature is implemented, using multiple apps (if the screenrecording you showed above will require use of another app) won’t be practical for our team since we will need to export our entire app to customer instances (we’re encouraging customers to use Fibery for small projects with full knowledge of the current state of Fibery).

Let me describe it better.
Let’s say, you have Product Type in Fibery. You enable to see Products in left menu

Then you can create Views that will be automatically filtered by Product when you navigating between Products in left menu

So you can create several Views and all of them will be available for all Products. Switching between products will work as an automatic quick filter. We believe it will simplify Projects/Teams problem in Targetprocess, since that solution was very complex.

The same trick can work for Teams, Projects, Programs, User, etc.

Thanks @mdubakov!

Wow! That’s a revelation! Didn’t know this feature already exists!

Trying this out asap for Projects and Products. I hope this allows nesting…

Alright. This is great! Now, how do I “move” all my 20+ boards under the Product context? :grimacing:

Also, is it the case that each card type that I want to show in each of the views under the Product type will have to have a relation field with the Product type? Or does that get added/managed automatically?

This is somewhat tricky. We have an algorithm that tries to discover relation using the whole graph. Check this structure


Note that Epic have direct relation to Product, so you can easily create Epics Backlog and other views.

Note that Feature DOES NOT have direct relation to Product. You can still create a Features Backlog board, but it will show Features ONLY if Feature is linked to an Epic (otherwise we have no idea to which product the feature belongs).

Let me show you. It is maybe easier than you think :slight_smile:

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That’s super awesome! Exactly what I was expecting in the following post:

I’ll test this extensively. This will greatly reduce the number of explicit relationship to the root Type.

Note that you can also hold Alt key and click to board Column or Row, entity in lookup field, etc. This is a hidden navigation pattern that makes Fibery more pleasant to use :slight_smile:


Wow! More hidden awesomeness!! Thanks a lot - I’ll follow that to bring the relevant views under the Product entities.

However, I encountered another bug: The Product entity shows its own entity detail and not the views screen if the Product entity page is clicked after clicking a full-view entity page. Let’s say I have a “Read Me” item in the left nav panel, which is basically just a Type with a rich text box, to act as a wiki page. That item just shows its own detail. Now, when I click on the Product entity pages coming from any other regular views, I can see the views page of the Product entity and not the entity detail page. But when I am coming to the same Product entity page after clicking the Read Me page, the Product entity shows only its detail page and not the views page. Once it switches to the details view mode, it keeps showing only entity details for any other Product entity, unless the entity is clicked twice! @mdubakov

Is there any way to reorder these entity items or move them up/down by drag-and-drop in the nav panel like it is possible for regular views?

@Shafqat_Ullah Yes, you can just drag and drop them in required order

@mdubakov I couldn’t do reordering in Safari. Trying Chrome.

We found some issues with DnD, sometimes it does not work, bug added

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Thanks @mdubakov!

Hi @mdubakov,

User-based filters and sorting is a must-have for real-life usage. Otherwise, current alternative is to create too many views per each user’s filtering needs.
