[DONE] Support for TeX/LaTeX (via MathJax or KaTeX?)

The only major feature missing (for me) from Fibery’s rich text fields is support for typesetting TeX or LaTeX code: it would be awesome if you could add Latex support, via (eg) one of the more popular plugins (MatJax 3.0 or KaTeX). Here’s a fairly nice, recent, dynamic performance comparison (albeit with some annoying popups!):

I’ve already pretty much replaced my Google Doc/Overleaf workflow with my Fibery workspace (as a combined task tracker + status reporter + knowledge graph), but I still have to jump out to those other apps whenever I want to write up progress/notes containing equations. It would be wonderful to be able to stay entirely within my Fibery workspace and incorporate equation-heavy text directly into my rich text fields.

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This is a major for our team as well. We are making software which often use equations to describe its specs in features. Without LaTex or similar support for equations, we are forced to write specs in a separate program, make a pdf out of it, and link it as a file. Would be fantastic to be able to write equations directly in Fibery.
I would image this applies to most software companies working on AI software around the world, which are quite many now and growing exponentially. Having this in mind, I think the value of this would be huge for Fibery.

  • but this value is likely not reflected by number of votes on this feature…
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voted for the feature

the workaround we use at the moment is to generate the image with Online LaTeX to image converter or https://latex2png.com/ and keep the latex code as image caption, like this


Voted. LaTex support would be a super helpful feature!



2024-12-04 15.38.18


You may try it in latest release

Wow - This is fantastic!

Now we can really write beautiful feature specs in Fibery. I was afraid it would not come, since there were not that many votes on this feature. It even works great with Mathpix, allowing me to take a screen shot of a page with equations, and it translates perfectly by cut and paste into Fibery. Super userful.

One suggestion for improvement that would really make it more efficient, would be easier activation; more keyboard friendly, so I am not forced to use the mouse.

My preferred solution would be if math could be activated by simply writing $ for inline and $$ for block math, as in other tools.

As it is now I have to write and mark some text, and then activate math by the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Shift+e for inline, and the mouse for block equation, which frankly is a bit awkward.

Being able to activate inline or block math by keyboard shortcut directly without selecting text first, would be much better than now.


We will add $$, but not sure about $, since it is a popular symbol and can be confusing.

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If the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Shift+E would switch to inline math and place the cursor inside the $(cursor)$, that would be a great improvement if you don’t think $ will work.
I assume block math using $$ would work exactly like ! for callout today. That would also be great.