This is great. After a terrible week, this brings me joy!
(By the way, your documents are AMAZING.)
Here is some real-world feedback from a business perspective: This was the number #1 thing I was looking for in Fibery - and it got released much sooner than I had anticipated.
First, it works with Google Docs and Google Sheets - and this offers an opportunity to fill a need that is hugely underserved at the moment: The ability to use a platform like Fibery in a fully collaborative manner with Google Docs/Sheets without forcing Docs/Sheets users to switch to something else (or at least some of them, like vendors, clients, etc.).
Of course, Coda and Clickup do this. Coda does it very well, but when looking for knowledge management systems or cross-app wikis or the like, SO many companies force you to IMPORT your Google Docs into their system. I spent months looking for something that did not. I think that is a marketing angle you should pursue aggressively.
So Clickup does this, but Clickup just has too much going on. The thought of migrating our existing systems to Clickup felt like I’d be giving everybody seizures in the process.
Coda does it super well, but Coda has no whiteboard and is just different than Fibery. Coda is not laid-out well for document management.
(By the way, I have accounts with all three and chose Fibery.)
Below is a screenshot of what Coda does exceptionally well and how you should aspire to evolve your own embeds. That is a fully collaboratively Google Doc that others can continue working in while the user works in Coda. You’ll notice that it’s full screen, and that it is an “entity” in Coda.
That is an amazingly helpful tool for those who want to use Fibery as their main UI/main app/dashboard while maintaining the ability to incorporate other existing documents - directly in the document manager/file manager structure of Fibery. That’s a huge plus and also gives you a magnetic way to attract new users. Particularly if you introduce some clever way for a user of Fibery (e.g. me) to share with a Google Docs user what they’re missing.
Because let’s face it, a Fibery document is like a 500-lb Gorilla on steroids compared to a Google Doc. At the same time, though, you cannot ignore the sheer volume of Google Docs users. A way to work seamlessly in both is good for the user and good for you.
At the same time, staying in the Fibery ecosystem while working with someone else on a Google Doc is a better, more intuitive experience that enables you to utilize one system while leveraging others, sort of like what makes iPaaS so amazing and elegant.
Edit: One more thing I should have mentioned. I’ve been watching a space for a while, it is essentially the “search here in this ‘space’ (ironically) and also across all your apps, docs, local computer, etc…”
This space has undergone some flux since AI became so much more prominent. Now, of course, AI gives you the ability to do so much more. So if you think about the embed I pointed out - and perhaps starting with only a few (maybe what you already have like Figma, Miro, Google Docs, etc.) you can not only integrate their apps as embeds but also evolve into integrating their contents into your search. That is a logical next step and would be a particularly good one, especially since Google Workspace search is so cumbersome and awful.
Anyway great job!