Before settling on Fibery, I did a lot of research into tools which could be used to capture user flows in a format that is intuitive, easy to set up and makes it easy to align the dev team, stakeholders and everyone else involved.
One of the most interesting ones I came across was ShiftX. It captures flows in fairly intuitive way, where each step is written like a small, simple, self contained story. What made it interesting was that you could reference various entities in these stories, such as actors, systems, etc.
This brings me to Fibery, which can often end up offering the same functionalities as other tools, almost as a a by-product of how powerful and flexible it is. In this case, Fibery is very close to being able to provide us with the same approach to writing flows that we had in ShiftX, the only thing preventing it is a bug that renders entities in rich text fields as [ref]
instead of the entity name, when displaying a snippet.
I spoke with the Fibery support team and it sounds like this would not be an easy fix, which is not surprising, but I wanted to post this here as well, maybe other users would see the potential benefit of this bug fix.
Or maybe it’s a niche use case which other users don’t bump into.