I make a lot of use of Timelines and would like to do even more. One thing I have been dreaming of since getting started with Fibery is some kind of baseline handling, or ability to see multiple dates on the timeline from one Entity. Truly outstanding feature and implementation in Target Process so I have been holding out for seeing something similar here!
One idea I was wondering about is could you guys have a secondary date that the user could choose when configuring the Timeline, that would show as a sort of “shadow” on the Timeline, like TP has with “actual start” vs. “planned start” (I think that’s how it works). Other tools like Wrike and Instagantt employ a dotted line to show actual vs. completed.
This could be very useful to a team trying to see how they are doing with estimation and planning. With formulas, you could get even more sophisticated: Say you want to track when you plan to finish a Task Entity, and also use time tracking and estimates to see when it should really finish. You could calculate a “current” estimate, vs original, using time tracking & time remaining handling, and show that “anticipated” conclusion date on the Timeline this way. This is even more useful for a full Project with such tasks rolling up, as you bring together many hours in those tasks and get real visibility into planning.
The ability to see multiple dates on the timeline from one Entity - that is a pretty common request and it is likely to be added, although not sure about eta, telling the truth
Thanks for rising up the idea!
I have the same issues with this, How could we see the difference of orginal plan vs actual happened ?
Do you figure out the solution yet ?
Also sometimes I need to summary the total cost, revenue for each task in timeline, etc …