[✔️DONE] Milestones on a Timeline

We deal with alot of deadlines in our work, would be good to mark dates on timeline view so we can work backward

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Yes I agree, this would serve as a “milestone” functionality I think, which is a key aspect of many other apps that I’m sure some Fibery converts are used to, including myself! Could go a long way to have timelines start to resemble Gantt functionality.


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“Milestones on a Timeline View” is started and will be released soon


Whilst not a milestone as such, a key dates feature would be pretty useful. Not just one date either. A start and end date period(Plant shut down or audit period for example)

How would that differ from a normal entry on the timeline (with a start and end date)?

If the milestone has a start/end date then I guess it’s what I was after. I wasn’t sure. Many such milestone items have a single date.
Would this display as a dimmed bar on the schedule view by chance?

A timeline will be able to have items (date ranges) and/or milestones (single dates).

They are represented as horizontal bars or vertical lines respectively:

Items are greyed out depending if their workflow state is final:

:balloon: Introducing Milestones on Timeline:

Please try them out and let us know if they are any good!

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